
The "White Paper" on Big Data of Myopia Surgery was released - the number of myopia surgeries increased by 28% in three years How to choose myopia surgery? Experts answer for you

author:Public Health News

On May 12, Aier Ophthalmology, together with the Health Communication and Promotion Special Fund of China Health Promotion Foundation, Xinhua News Agency New Media Center, Aier Eye Research Institute of Central South University and Aier Digital Ophthalmology Research Institute released the "White Paper on Big Data of International Myopia Surgery in China and Europe 2.0" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper"). According to the white paper, with the wide dissemination of myopia surgery knowledge, the rate of myopia surgery in China is increasing year by year, and the public's understanding of the science and safety of myopia surgery is deepening.

The "White Paper" on Big Data of Myopia Surgery was released - the number of myopia surgeries increased by 28% in three years How to choose myopia surgery? Experts answer for you

With the increasing rate of myopia worldwide, it is expected that around 5 billion people will be affected by myopia by 2025. As an important means of correcting refractive error, myopia surgery is gaining more and more attention and recognition. According to the white paper, in the past three years, the number of myopia surgeries in China and Europe has continued to rise, and the number of surgeries in 2023 has increased by 28% compared with 2021.

In terms of surgical methods, among the full range of myopia surgery technologies (including personalized femtosecond surgery, ICL lens implantation surgery, minimally invasive femtosecond surgery and surface laser surgery, etc.), personalized femtosecond surgery (Jingdiao) is chosen by more and more people in terms of visual quality improvement, accounting for 66% of LASIK excimer laser in situ keratomileusis in 2023. SMILE has become the mainstream choice among students with myopia. In addition, the number of ICL surgeries has increased significantly, with the number of ICL surgeries in 2023 increasing by 60% compared to 2021. It can be seen that ICL surgery is being favored by more and more people with low and moderate myopia due to its wide correction range (50-1800 degrees of myopia, astigmatism within 600 degrees).

Postoperative visual acuity is an important indicator to measure the effectiveness of surgery. According to the data of the white paper, in the past three years, the mean unaided distance visual acuity at 6 months after ICL lens implantation, LASIK excimer laser in situ keratomileusis, and SMILE femtosecond laser surgery in China was 1.12, 1.14, and 1.16, respectively. In addition, the refractive power of myopia people with various surgical procedures became more and more stable after one day, one month, and half a year after surgery, indicating that these surgical methods can provide patients with long-term stable vision improvement results.

The "White Paper" on Big Data of Myopia Surgery was released - the number of myopia surgeries increased by 28% in three years How to choose myopia surgery? Experts answer for you

Professor Wang Zheng, Vice Chairman of the Ophthalmology Refractive Subcommittee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and Leader of the Refractive Surgery Group of Aier Eye Hospital Group, delivered a speech

For the diversified myopia surgery methods, how should patients choose? Professor Wang Zheng, vice chairman of the Ophthalmology Refractive Subcommittee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and head of the refractive surgery group of Aier Eye Hospital Group, pointed out that the scope of application and postoperative advantages of each surgical method are different, and it is important to choose the most suitable surgical method for yourself. "When a patient arrives at the hospital, the doctor will give him a comprehensive eye examination and give a professional and optimal recommendation based on the examination data, which is what we have always emphasized - the concept of full customization." Professor Wang Zheng introduced that specifically, if it is a patient with moderate and low myopia, laser surgery is a relatively simpler and more economical choice if the eye conditions permit; ICL surgery, which does not require the cornea to be removed, is more friendly to patients with moderate to high myopia and has become their first choice.

As myopia surgery is well known and accepted by the general public, the safety of myopia surgery needs to be further improved and guaranteed. Professor Wang Zheng explained that in addition to surgical equipment and technology, the experience of experts, the standardization of surgical procedures and the quality of services provided are more critical.

The "White Paper" on Big Data of Myopia Surgery was released - the number of myopia surgeries increased by 28% in three years How to choose myopia surgery? Experts answer for you

At the event, the "Aier Ophthalmology Refractive Surgery Global Academic Committee" was officially established, and the committee gathered 30 well-known refractive experts at home and abroad. From a global perspective, they will promote global refractive cooperation projects, provide professional skills training for refractive ophthalmology peers, and escort ophthalmology talent training, technology transformation, and scientific research cooperation.

In order to optimize global patient services and management, Aier Ophthalmology launched the "Global Review Passport" smart hospital applet at the same time, providing convenient global remote postoperative review services for patients in more than 800 professional ophthalmic medical institutions in Asia, Europe and the Americas. This innovative service not only provides patients with convenient and efficient postoperative management solutions, but also symbolizes the progress and digital transformation of the service model in the field of myopia surgery.

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