
Three bad habits in ancient times: Chinese foot binding, European waistbanding, and Japanese appreciation!

Three bad habits in ancient times: Chinese foot binding, European waistbanding, and Japanese appreciation!

Nowadays, our country has entered the right track, in fact, in the feudal society, there are many bad habits in society, in fact, most of them follow women, which just shows that the status of women at that time was very humble. Let's take a look at it.

The first is the ancient foot binding in our country, in ancient China, women began to wrap their feet when they were very young, because at that time it was very popular with three-inch golden lotus, which is also a symbol of a girl, and it will look better when walking. It is often said that a woman who does not fit her feet cannot marry out, and others will look down on him.

Three bad habits in ancient times: Chinese foot binding, European waistbanding, and Japanese appreciation!

The second is the European corset, which also begins when girls are very young, using metal to compress the bones of girls' waists to form an unbearable willow waist. In fact, this method damages various organs of the body, which is also cruel.

Three bad habits in ancient times: Chinese foot binding, European waistbanding, and Japanese appreciation!

Finally, there is the Japanese custom, which can not be appreciated, Japanese women shave their eyebrows when they get married, their faces are whitewashed, and their teeth will all be blackened. This is unacceptable to me personally, in our country we think that the tooth white is good-looking, I personally think, why does a beautiful girl look like a magic cult person after dressing up? I also don't understand the idea of the Yamato nation, and I can't appreciate people's work style, so what do you think about it? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment below.

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