
Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

As we all know, China is a country with a very deep historical background, with a historical heritage of more than 5,000 years, and of which more than 2,000 years, China is in the period of feudal society. In the period of feudal society, more than 80 dynasties were born in our country, and as the first unified feudal system dynasty in China and the beginning of feudal society, the Qin Dynasty left us a very big impression. The person who established the Qin Dynasty was Qin Shi Huang, who was called "the emperor of the ages" by later generations, and was also the first person to use and invent the word "emperor".

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

Speaking of Qin Shi Huang, he is definitely the most famous person in history, and has made countless great achievements, such as writing the same text, driving the same track, building spiritual canals, building the Great Wall, unifying weights and measures, etc., all of which are measures that have influenced China for thousands of years. Therefore, Qin Shi Huang is also known as the "Emperor of the Ages" who deserves his name. However, when discussing why Qin Shi Huang was able to defeat the Six Kingdoms and unify the world, there is often a unanimous view, that is, the strategy of "combining vertical and horizontal" adopted by the Qin State and the benefits brought by the Shang martingale transformation method.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

Of course, if the Qin state only has theoretical strategies and does not put them into practice, it will be equivalent to talking on paper and will not play much role. Moreover, some archaeologists have also found some "high-tech" products of the Qin State from some Qin Dynasty tombs, and these things also confirm why the Qin State can defeat the other six countries. Among them, there are 3 things, in the eyes of modern people, that should not have appeared in the Qin Kingdom more than 2,000 years ago. And these three things also reflect the strong military strength of the Qin state. Today, Xiaobian will introduce it to you.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

The first: bronze sword. As the saying goes: "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first use it." Because the ancient way of warfare is a cold weapon way of fighting, and the people of the Qin State are also very familiar with it, and they have implemented this sentence. Like the bronze swords unearthed from some Qin tombs, they are very sharp and longer than the swords of other princely states. Therefore, such a sword is easier to pierce the armor of the enemy in the middle of the war, so as to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

What is even more surprising is that the sword of the Qin State is still as sharp as ever after more than 2,000 years. And there is also a bronze sword, because it was pressed by the stone, bent for more than 2,000 years, but after the stone was removed, the bronze sword returned to a straight shape in an instant, which will be stunned by the archaeologists present.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

The reason why these bronze swords are still sharp and tough after being buried for more than 2,000 years is because the surface of these bronze swords has a thick layer of chrome salt oxide. You know, the technology of chromium salt oxidation was only mastered by the Germans in the 30s of the last century, and our ancestors have mastered it more than 2,000 years ago, and they have widely used it. From this, we can see that the people of the Qin Kingdom are very wise and very good.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

The second piece: the Qin crossbow. The Qin state not only has a powerful sword, but also the crossbows they use are very good, and the best words to describe the Qin crossbow are: fast, accurate, and fierce. Not only are qin crossbows designed to be very fast and equipped with special aiming devices, but they also smear poison on the arrows. Therefore, under the attack of such a Qin crossbow, almost no army could resist. In addition, the structure of the Qin crossbow is completely assembled by various components, if the Qin crossbow is broken on the battlefield, it can also disassemble parts from other Qin crossbows and replace each other.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

And we can also see from the structure of the Qin crossbow that when the Qin people were manufacturing the Qin crossbow, they also adopted the division of labor and cooperation, so as to greatly increase the production speed of the Qin crossbow, so that the Qin crossbow can be produced in large quantities. And this way of making is very similar to our modern craftsmanship, and it is difficult to imagine that the ancients of more than 2,000 years can master this way.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

The third piece: the "railway" of the Qin Dynasty. As we all know, the key to determining the success or failure of a war, in addition to weapons and equipment, the number of troops, the most important thing is logistical support. Therefore, there is a famous saying: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass have gone first." Although the Qin state was already far ahead of all countries in terms of weapons and equipment, they were not satisfied, because they understood the importance of grain and grass to war. Therefore, the Qin people established a huge "railway network".

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

Of course, this "railway" is not the same as our modern railway, because this railway is not made of iron, but made of hard, corrosion-protected wood. Moreover, its transportation power is mainly horse-drawn carriages, using such a convenient way to send grain and grass to the place where the war occurred, solving the soldiers' logistical support problems and worries.

Why was Qin Shi Huang able to unify the Six Kingdoms? These three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago

Therefore, after the Qin state had three things, bronze swords, Qin crossbows, and "railways", its military strength increased greatly. Moreover, the level of its arms manufacturing and transportation industry, even in modern times, is not to be spared. Moreover, everyone also believes that these three things should not have appeared more than 2,000 years ago, because the civilization at that time was not enough to support such advanced technology. However, these 3 things really existed, and I had to admire the wisdom of the Qin people. Let me ask you, the Qin state has such a powerful strength, it does not unify the 6 countries, and who will unify it?

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