
Left-behind children across the country painted to welcome the Winter Olympics and came to Shougang to see the "Paint the Future Together" public welfare painting exhibition

On January 15th, on the occasion of the 20-day countdown to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the "2022 Race for Dreams, Paint the Future Together" theme public welfare painting exhibition opened in Liugonghui Shopping Plaza, Shougang Park. More than 100 public welfare paintings are all from left-behind children across the country, who use rich colors and vivid brush and ink to depict exciting competition scenes, expressing their love for the motherland, their expectations for the Winter Olympics and their yearning for a better life. The exhibition will be on display from now until the end of March.

Left-behind children across the country painted to welcome the Winter Olympics and came to Shougang to see the "Paint the Future Together" public welfare painting exhibition

Representatives of small painting authors from Luoyang, Henan Province, and their tutors were connected at the event site. The paintings brought by Su Xiao, the fourth grade of the Second Central Primary School in Chaoyang Town, Mengjin District, Luoyang City, are rich in elements, including the national flag, the Olympic rings, the Bird's Nest and other symbols, as well as skiers with panda cartoon images, who named the work "Listening with Heart and Accompanying with Love". "Beijing is the only city with two Olympic Games, and the upcoming Winter Olympics make us very eager, and I feel extremely proud to be able to participate in them with my own works." Su Xiao said.

Left-behind children across the country painted to welcome the Winter Olympics and came to Shougang to see the "Paint the Future Together" public welfare painting exhibition

The Shougang Fund For Everlasting Fund, the organizer of this public welfare painting exhibition, is a public welfare fund initiated by the employees of the Shougang Fund, which regularly distributes scholarships to students from Hebei, Jilin, Sichuan and other places to help children complete their dreams. Liugonghui has long supported public welfare projects, provided various service guarantees for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, and opened up venues in the core area of Liugonghui Shopping Plaza to help public welfare undertakings.

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