
The owner of the car was too excited to buy a Mercedes-Benz and reversed the license plate, and almost deducted 12 points

Jimu news reporter Zhang Qi

I was so excited to get the new car number plate that I put the license plate upside down, and I was photographed by passers-by and forwarded to the Internet. On January 15, Mr. Liu, a car owner from Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, told Jimu News that he found out and immediately drove the car to the repair shop to correct the license plate.

The owner of the car was too excited to buy a Mercedes-Benz and reversed the license plate, and almost deducted 12 points

On the evening of January 14, a photo released by netizens showed that a Mercedes-Benz car with a "Zhejiang J" number plate was driving on the road, but its license plate was loaded.

On the morning of the 15th, the Jimu news reporter contacted Mr. Liu, the owner of the car in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, according to the license plate. Mr. Liu introduced that this was last December, he bought a new car and installed his own number plate, after driving the car on the road, his friend who was driving behind reminded him that the license plate was down. On December 25 last year, Mr. Liu drove the car to the repair shop to correct the license plate, and the cost of the work was 10 yuan.

Taizhou traffic police personnel confirmed that Mr. Liu's car was licensed on December 8, 2021 and is currently properly suspended. According to traffic police personnel, the number plate of the motor vehicle must be hung correctly, and for the incorrectly hung number plate, they will also make a penalty of 12 points for the driver's license and a fine of 200 yuan.

Jimu News reporter noted that in October 2020, a traffic policeman in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, found that the license plate of a car was upside down while patrolling, criticized and educated the owner of the car, and gave the driver a penalty of 12 points on the driver's license and a fine of 200 yuan in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.

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