
Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

I often have friends arguing with me in the comments section, and they always feel that the "Philosopher's Stone" and the "Resurrection Stone" are the same piece.

It is also unclear whether the Resurrection Stone is a "Hallows" or a "Horcrux".

In fact, these two stones are completely different, and there is no relationship between them.

The Resurrection Stone is both a Hallow and a Horcrux.

If you don't understand, it doesn't matter, let's talk specifically about these two "legendary" stones.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > a stone that can make gold and make people "immortal"</h1>

The Philosopher's Stone is a bright red stone made by wizards in Harry Potter, which can turn any metal into pure gold, and can also use it to create an elixir that prolongs life and allows those who continue to drink it to "live forever".

Voldemort had become something inferior to even a "soul", and could only survive by drinking the blood of the unicorn.

So he asked Quirrell to steal the Philosopher's Stone to restore his body, but he failed.

In the novel, the maker of this "Philosopher's Stone" is NicoleLeme, who is also the only producer of the "Philosopher's Stone" known to the wizarding world, and this piece in the book is the only one left for many centuries.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

The Mr Niccolme had just celebrated his 665th birthday and was living in seclusion with his wife, 658, in Devonshire.

Originally, the Philosopher's Stone was stored in Vault 713 of Gringotts, but Dumbledore guessed Voldemort's plan to steal it, so he asked Hagrid to transfer it out, hide it in the school, and let 7 teachers protect it with different magic or magical creatures.

After Harry and Voldemort had a dispute over the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrell was killed, and Voldemort once again lost the form to which he attached.

For safety reasons, Dumbledore and Nicole May discussed it and decided to destroy it, and there will be no more "Philosopher's Stone" in the world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > "Red" Hagrid and "White" Dumbledore</h1>

Rowling said in her own article that "alchemy" was once considered real and possible.

In the ancient texts on "alchemy", the work of the alchemist symbolizes, to some extent, a spiritual journey.

In the process of alchemy, they go from ignorance (cheap metal) to enlightenment (gold).

The "white" representing the cheap metal and the "red" representing gold, which have been mentioned many times in ancient texts, also represent the two sides of human nature and must be reconciled.

Rowling took inspiration from this and named two important men in Harry's life: Rubeus Rubeus (red in Latin) Hagrid and Albus (white in Latin) Dumbledore.

They represented the image of the ideal father in Harry's heart: Hagrid was warm, pragmatic, a little wild, Dumbledore was full of wisdom, impressive, and sometimes a little detached.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" > "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead</h1>

The Resurrection Stone is another matter.

It first appeared in the legend of the "Three Brothers" and was also a story in Dumbledore's Collection of Tales of The Poets that Dumbledore left to Hermione.

The story is known to everyone and will not be repeated here.

In short, the second eldest in the story got the "Resurrection Stone" from the "God of Death", but he could not let his beloved fiancée return to the human world, but he could not help it because of love, and went with the girl.

First of all, in this legend, the "resurrection stone" cannot really resurrect the dead.

The girl who returned from the "underground mansion" was just a resentful "soul", she was sent by the "God of Death" to lure the second brother into the clutches of the "God of Death".

Second, outside of legend, Harry did get dumbledore's hidden Resurrection Stone from the Golden Snitch, but again, the stone could not revive Harry's loved ones.

They were also "soul-like" things, just to give Harry courage and accompany him through the last leg of the road, and Harry then threw the stone in the woods and went alone to face the Dark Lord.

So please don't say, "Harry only had the Resurrection Stone to defeat Voldemort."

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="82" > Dumbledore's puzzle</h1>

So why is this Resurrection Stone in the Golden Snitch?

Of course Dumbledore put it in.

Dumbledore placed the Resurrection Stone in the Golden Snitch and left it as a relic to Harry.

And this "golden snitch" was the one Harry caught when he first participated in a Quidditch game, and he "caught" it with his mouth.

Because the Golden Snitch has a "physical memory" that it remembers the first person to catch it to prevent controversy when the final score is decided, the Snitch used in each game is brand new.

Dumbledore left the snitch to Harry and cast spells on it, so when The Minister of Magic, Scringer, gave it to Harry, there was no such thing as the Snitch opened as the Minister had hoped (the "Golden Snitch" was known to be a good place to hide).

Later, when Harry was ready to die, he touched the snitch with his mouth, and a line appeared on it, "I opened it at the end."

This is also the puzzle that Dumbledore left to Harry, who can only open the Golden Snitch if he is not afraid of "death" and is truly able to face "death".

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" > "for the greater good."</h1>

So how did Dumbledore get this Resurrection Stone?

Let's start by inserting a "old wand" story here.

At the same time, I want to say back to the "legend of the three brothers".

Dumbledore had always known about the legend, and he also knew that the three treasures in the legend, the "Three Hallows": the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility, were all really present in the world.

He knew better that this legend existed only to hide the truth.

The truth is that the legendary "three brothers" really have their own people, and they did not get these three treasures from the "God of Death", but the three brothers made them by themselves.

The three brothers are all powerful wizards, and they have created these three extremely powerful artifacts, because of the existence of these artifacts, there are legends for future generations.

Dumbledore was also bewildered by these three treasures, believing that, as the legend says, if he possessed them at the same time, he would become the "master of death."

That year, dumbled and talented as a young man, Dumbledore met another equally brilliant young man, Grindelwald, from another wizarding school that admired "black magic," Durmstrang.

Grindelwald came to Godric's Hollow to investigate the truth about the Three Hallows, which is said to be the place where the eldest of the three brothers died.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

Two like-minded teenagers attracted to each other and stayed together all day studying "how to establish a new wizarding order" and finding the "Three Hallows."

But Dumbledore left his sick sister behind for these so-called "greater benefits," much to the disgust of his younger brother Aberforth.

In one of the altercations, the three of them engaged in a duel, and the accident of the fight killed their sister, and everyone did not even know whose spell hit her.

Because of this incident, Grindelwald fled England and immersed himself in the study of the "Three Hallows".

Later, when he discovers that grigovich, the famous wand maker, seems to possess the "Old Wand" of the Three Hallows, he goes over, knocks Grigovich unconscious, and takes the wand.

With this "invincible" treasure, Grindelwald assembled an army and joined his fanatical followers in the "revolution" in Europe "for the greater good."

Dumbledore, at this time, returned to Hogwarts to teach, dedicated to the training of young wizards.

When Grindelwald's radical actions caused social unrest and a large number of innocent "Muggles" died, Dumbledore stood up to the voices of the people and confronted the former "friend".

As Deng reminisces with Harry in the "White Void", he says he is afraid of Grindelwald.

He was not afraid that he would die in a duel with Grindelwald, but he was afraid of knowing who the person who had struck his sister's fatal blow was, and he was afraid that the person was himself.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

In the end, Dumbledore won the duel, which is said to be "the greatest wizarding duel ever", and Deng won the "Old Wand" for it.

After Grindelwald was convicted, he was imprisoned in the cell he had built, "Numengard", until Voldemort came to ask about the "Old Wand".

Grindelwald was already remorseful, so he lied to Voldemort to prevent him from getting the wand, but Voldemort guessed it anyway, of course.

In short, since the duel, Dumbledore has possessed the first of the Three Hallows.

What follows is the well-known story of Tom Riddle's gradual growth into "Voldemort".

At the beginning of the story, Dumbledore overhears Trelawney's prophecy about Harry and suggests that Harry's parents find Sirius as a "keeper" and use the "Bold Loyalty Curse" to protect the family from Being Discovered by Voldemort.

Of course, he did not expect Sirius to make a temporary move and replace Peter Pettigrew with a "secret", and Peter's betrayal led to the death of Harry's parents.

Before Harry's parents were killed, Dumbledore discovered that they possessed a true "cloak of invisibility" and borrowed it to study.

At this time, although Dumbledore had long given up looking for the "Three Sacred Artifacts", he accidentally obtained the second of them.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="173" > "Resurrection Stone" is a "Hallows" or a "Horcrux"? </h1>

Maybe why don't you just say the third hallow, the Resurrection Stone, and explain so much?

Believe me, this is just to help you clear your mind and understand the ins and outs of the three hallows, and not to be confused when you mention the Deathly Hallows/Horcruxes.

Let's officially talk about the "Resurrection Stone".

Before possessing the Resurrection Stone, Dumbledore had actually possessed two Hallows.

But in Harry's first year at Hogwarts, Deng anonymously returned the Cloak of Invisibility to him because he knew that the Hallows belonged to Harry.

Harry's unknown grandmother, the eldest granddaughter of the third of the "three brothers", inherited the family's "cloak of invisibility" and married Harry's grandfather who did not know the first generation, and then they passed it down from generation to generation.

So in addition to harry's apparent belonging to the Potter family, he was also a descendant of Ignatus Peverell, a descendant of the true "Three Brothers". (For the Potter family story, see one of my micro-headlines: "Which is more powerful, the Malfoy family or the Potter family?") ”)

In the second grade, Ha used the Basilisk's poisonous fangs to destroy Tom Riddle's diary, and it was from this point that Dumbledore began to suspect that the diary was not so simple, and he felt that Voldemort might have been splitting the soul and making the "Horcrux".

During the Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort used Harry to be reborn in his father's graveyard, saying that "he may go farther than anyone else on the road to immortality", which also made Deng realize that he was using "Horcruxes" to achieve immortality.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

In Harry's fifth year, Voldemort used the Dementor to create an illusion in his mind, causing Harry to run to the Ministry of Magic to save Sirius.

It was only after this that Dumbledore explained to Harry why Voldemort had been hunting harry down and what the "prophecy" he was looking for was really about.

The following year, when Harry was in the sixth grade, Dumbledore himself taught Harry a lesson to help him understand Voldemort's past and the significance of Voldemort's creation of "Horcruxes" .

It wasn't until Harry arrived at Slughorn's memory, which confirmed Deng's view that Voldemort was going to make multiple "Horcruxes.".

He told Harry that in addition to the destroyed diary, he himself had destroyed a "Horcrux"—Mavorogant's ring.

Marvolo was voldemort's mother's father, Voldemort's grandfather, and they were both descendants of Salazar Slytherin.

The ring appeared in Dumbledore's memory when it was worn on Marvolo's hand and described by Harry as an "ugly black gem ring."

Voldemort felt that the ring belonged to the Slytherin family and was very meaningful.

So he found Morfin (Voldemort's uncle), killed his "Muggle" father's family, and after blaming Morfin for everything, took the ring and made it into a "Horcrux".

Dumbledore said that the ring was hidden by Voldemort in the ruins of Gaunt's house, protected by many powerful spells, and it took him a great effort to find it.

Harry Potter: Is the Resurrection Stone a Hallows or a Horcrux, and can it really revive people? A stone that can make gold and make people "immortal" "red" Hagrid and "white" Dumbledore "resurrection stone" does not resurrect the dead Dumbledore's puzzle "For greater benefits" "Resurrection stone" is "hallows" or "Horcruxes"?

At the same time, he also found that the black gem on this ring was actually the legendary "resurrection stone".

Dumbledore was fascinated by the Resurrection Stone, forgetting that it had been made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, forgetting that there were terrible spells on it, and only wanting to use it to see his dead sister and parents, and wanting to tell them how remorseful he was.

Then he was cast in the spell.

If it weren't for his high mana, he might not have been able to make it to the school, allowing Snape to temporarily seal the spell in one hand.

Dumbledore destroyed the "Horcrux" with his Gryffindor sword, and Harry described the "Horcrux" destroyed by Dumbledore as an "ugly gold ring with a large cracked black gem in the middle."

The Black Gem's "Horcrux" function was destroyed, but the Hallows function was still intact.

Because Harry later took it out of the Golden Snitch, turned it three times, and saw his dead parents and relatives.

Dumbledore said that Voldemort had never recognized it, and that the ring was actually set with one of the "Hallows" "Resurrection Stone", but even if he recognized it, he would not care, he would still turn it into a "Horcrux", because Voldemort had no relatives and no one who wanted to be "resurrected".

At this point, this is the story of this stone that is both a "Horcrux" and a "Hallows".

In general, Voldemort could not bear to become dependent on anything when he initially sought the path to "immortality", so he chose to split the soul and make a "Horcrux".

Even if it was cruel and evil, he didn't care, because only in this way could he get closer to "immortality" than anyone else.

Later, he wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, just to help him recover his body, and did not intend to rely on it for a long time.

The Resurrection Stone was just an alternative he had chosen to make a Horcrux, and he had achieved his goal, but he had ignored the value of the alternative itself.

So much for.

If you are still interested in other Harry Potter related topics, please feel free to inform in the comments. I will do my best to analyze it in the next article and share it with you.

This article was originally written by Arthur Ai Ai. If you also think my article is good, welcome to share the following! I will continue to work hard to write well in the future. (Some of the pictures come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.) )

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