
Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

With diabetes, life seems to be starting to get cumbersome, requiring blood sugar measurements, taking medication on time, and some patients injecting insulin every day. In addition, diet and exercise management are also important measures to control blood sugar. However, many patients, despite their efforts, eventually develop complications. In fact, the key to the management of diet and exercise lies in grasping the main points and understanding the truth, so that you can calmly face the fluctuation of blood sugar calmly. Today, we will combine the content of Japan's diabetes management guide to help you sort out the details of diet and exercise arrangements.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

Let's start with diet. With diabetes, many people will fall into the misunderstanding, focus on diet management to control the amount of food, and even listen to the so-called experience of others, set a lot of food choices off-limits. The experience of neighbouring countries focuses on nutritional therapy, with the aim of emphasizing the importance of nutritional balance. Dietary structure recommends setting the total energy ratio at 523, with carbohydrates accounting for about 50%, protein about 20%, and fat about 30%. And according to the physical activity situation, blood sugar level, complications, food preferences and so on to make appropriate adjustments.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

The core of dietary management is to determine the amount of energy intake according to the ideal weight. Step 1, calculate the ideal weight, the formula is the number of square meters of height multiplied by 22. Step 2, calculate the total energy intake per day, the formula is the ideal weight multiplied by the physical activity factor. The coefficient of physical activity is divided into 3 levels, the daily work is mainly sitting light physical activity, the coefficient is 25 to 30; the daily work is mainly standing moderate physical activity, the coefficient is 30 to 35; the daily work requires heavy physical activity of labor, the coefficient is greater than 35. For example, a person with a height of 170 cm is engaged in clerical work. The ideal weight is 1.7 multiplied by 1.7 multiplied by 22, equal to 63.58 kg, the physical activity coefficient is chosen at 26, and the total daily energy intake is 63.58 multiplied by 26, which equals 1653 kcal. If you are obese, you set your energy intake according to the goal of reducing your body weight by 5%, and finally reach the ideal weight standard, which is calculated by lowering the physical activity coefficient value.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

Japanese scholars believe that there is no direct relationship between carbohydrate intake and the risk of diabetes and blood sugar control, however, it is not recommended to choose sweets and fruit juices containing sucrose. For example, the above example, the total energy of 1653 kcal can be classified and managed, and the energy provided by carbohydrates accounts for 50%, which is converted into about 800 kcal. The intake of the fruit needs to be limited, no more than 1 serving at a time, and the energy value is about 80 kcal. In addition, dietary fiber intake is more than 20 grams per day, protein intake accounts for 20% of total energy, fat accounts for about 30%, however, the intake of saturated fatty acids needs to be reduced. At the same time, pay attention to limiting sodium salts, controlling alcohol consumption, the upper limit of daily alcohol intake is 20 grams, converted to 40 degrees of liquor, can not exceed 50 ml.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

For the exercise management of diabetic patients, Japanese scholars believe that before physical exercise, it is necessary to carry out a physical examination, comprehensively evaluate the condition of cardiovascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, orthopedic disease, and determine the mode and intensity of exercise according to the severity of the disease. Overall, aerobic exercise improves blood sugar control, insulin resistance, cardiopulmonary function, lipid metabolism, and can help lower blood pressure. The combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training has a more obvious effect on blood sugar control.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

Regarding the exercise management of diabetic patients, domestic scholars have summarized the 13579 principle. Specifically, 1 represents starting exercise 1 hour after a meal, choosing how aerobic exercise is combined with resistance training. 3 means that the duration of the exercise reaches 30 minutes. 5 means at least 5 days of activity per week. 7 represents a value of no more than 170 minus age for each exercise. 9 represents long-term, only step by step, and perseverance, in order to obtain a beneficial exercise effect.

Keep the point in mind to make the diet and exercise management of diabetics clear

The health management of diabetic patients needs to pay attention to details, and it should be soberly recognized that the advice provided by professionals is from a scientific point of view. For example, it is recommended to start exercising 1 hour after a meal because blood glucose levels are high at this time, and hypoglycemia is not easy to occur during exercise. For the amount of exercise, it is recommended that patients younger than 70 years of age, without serious complications, consume 300 kcal of calories per day by exercise under conditions of a controlled diet. After exercise, I feel warm all around me and sweat slightly, but I am not sweating heavily, indicating that the exercise has reached moderate intensity. Exercise mode, you can choose swimming, brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, etc., pay attention to the 5 minutes before the exercise to warm up, as well as the finishing action after the exercise, while increasing resistance training, enhance muscle strength and joint flexibility.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

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