
In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

On August 30, 1938, Ye Daozhi, former commander of the Special Service Battalion of the New Fourth Army, was executed by firing squad after a public trial. The matter is not enough

"Gao Jingting Incident"

However, within the New Fourth Army, it still caused an uproar, and Ye Daozhi, the commander of the special service battalion who was shot, also had a great deal.

Ye Daozhi is a native of Hong'an, Hubei Province, born in 1910. He joined the revolution very early and used to follow

The Thirty-first Division of the Eleventh Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army participated in the struggle to open up and create a revolutionary base area in Chaishanbao, and the commander and division commander at that time was Wu Guanghao.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

Wu Guanghao | film and television stills

After Wu Guanghao's death, Marshal Xu Qianqian came to northeastern Hubei to take over the post of commander of the Red Thirty-first Division. Therefore, Ye Daozhi can be regarded as one of the first generals of the Red Fourth Front Army influenced by Xu Shuai's military thought. Ye Daozhi also lived up to the high expectations of his superiors, and made many achievements in the previous anti-encirclement and suppression struggles in Eyuwan, and his position rose step by step. By 1933

In July, Ye Daozhi had been promoted to commander of the 93rd Division of the Red 31st Army, when he was only 23 years old.

Since then, Ye Daozhi has served in succession

The commander of the 92nd Division of the Red 31st Army and the political commissar of the 10th Division of the Red Fourth Army participated in the anti-encirclement and suppression struggles in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Region and the Long March of the Red Fourth Front. At that time, Ye Daozhi was on a par with Chen Xilian, Wang Jinshan, Ye Chenghuan and others, and was one of the most powerful generals in the Red Fourth Front.

In October 1936, after the three main Red Army divisions met, Ye Daozhi, as a senior general of the Red Fourth Front, was immediately arranged to study at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. After graduating from Kang University, Ye Daozhi could not be like this

Chen Xilian, Wang Jinshan, Ye Chenghuan, and other old comrades-in-arms entered the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, but were arranged to go to the New Fourth Army. If he had gone to the 129th Division at that time, with his seniority at least at least the deputy regimental level or above, he would not have been able to run until the establishment of the Country. Unfortunately, history does not assume.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

Martyr Ye Sung-hwan (1914~1938)

In the spring of 1938, Ye Daozhi and more than 50 other military and political cadres were sent by the Party Central Committee to serve in the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui. At that time, he went to Jiangnan with Zhang Daoyong (Tao Yong), Wang Bicheng, Xu Changsheng, chen Kang, and other people from the Red Fourth Front, because Ye Daozhi had the deepest seniority, and privately everyone still habitually called him a division commander.

After coming to the New Fourth Army, Ye Daozhi

He was assigned to serve as the deputy commander of the fourth regiment of the second detachment, equivalent to the position of political commissar. From the division political commissar to the regimental political commissar, they were demoted two levels in a row, which was perfectly normal in the sequence of the Eighth Route Army. However, this is the regimental political commissar of the New Fourth Army, and compared with the political commissar of the Eighth Road Army, although they are all regimental-level cadres, there is still a big gap. Therefore, Ye Daozhi was at best a battalion-level cadre in the sequence of the New Fourth Army, and suddenly fell behind Chen Xilian, Wang Jinshan, and Ye Chenghuan, who were slightly less senior than himself.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

Chen Xilian and Wang Jinshan

Moreover, the second detachment of the New Fourth Army was made up

The Red Army guerrillas on the fujian, Guangdong, and Gansu sides were formed, and the cadres and fighters were basically Fujianese. If it is divided into the fourth detachment of Gao Jingting, it is okay, and there are still feelings of old troops and fellow villagers. Ye Daozhi is a native of Huang'an, Hubei Province, with language incompatibility and difficulty in work. All this unfamiliar environment made Ye Daozhi very uncomfortable, and also brought a lot of bitterness.

The gap in the position and the unsmooth work can not help but make Ye Daozhi resentful, and it is normal to occasionally say a few grumbling words. However, Ye Daozhi's grumbling words somehow reached the ears of the superior leaders at once. The superior leaders were greatly displeased and dismissed Ye Daozhi from the post of deputy regimental commander, and in the end, Xiang Ying won Ye Daozhi the position of commander of a special service battalion of the military department. Xiang Ying had a nickname in the New Fourth Army

"Grandma Xiang"

, the upper and lower levels of the troops are basically taken care of. Therefore, he understood Ye Daozhi very well and also took care of the emotions of foreign cadres like Ye Daozhi.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

Xiang Ying

Once, Ye Daozhi, Xu Changsheng, and Chen Kang, three old comrades of the Four Fronts, bumped into each other. After a long conversation, the three of them reached a consensus

"Leave the New Fourth Army and return to the 129th Division." ”

How do I leave? Do you want to leave with a gun? When to leave? This has become a problem that the three people need to consider.

Time's up

On July 31, 1938, this day just happened to be Xiang Ying leaving the military headquarters for a meeting in Yan'an.

Ye Daozhi, Xu Changsheng, Chen Wuhe (Chen Kang) three people

In the name of looking at the terrain, each with a short gun and a number of ammunition, Yang Shaoliang, deputy squad leader of the communications squad of the special service battalion headquarters who was familiar with the local environment, led the way.

Not long after, the four of them had already traveled to the mountains of Qimen County in southern Anhui Province. At this time, Ye Daozhi informed Yang Shaoliang of the ultimate purpose of this trip and asked Yang Shaoliang if he was willing to go together.

Yang Shaoliang was a native of the New Fourth Army, and of course he was unwilling to leave the old unit to go to an unfamiliar environment. He watched

Ye, Xu, and Chen left, and then returned to the military headquarters to report the matter to the commander Ye Ting.

After Ye Ting heard about the three people "dragging their guns to escape", he was furious and personally

Li Zhigao, chief of the reconnaissance section, was ordered to arrest the three men and explained that if they resisted arrest, they could enforce discipline on the battlefield.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general


In the process of arrest,

Xu Changsheng was killed on the spot. Nicknamed "Scud", Chen Kang ran fast, suddenly threw off the people in the reconnaissance section, ran to Yan'an, and finally returned to the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. Ye Daozhi was not so lucky, he was arrested by Li Zhigao and taken back to the military headquarters to await treatment.

This general "dragging a gun to escape" will definitely be shot, and Xiang Ying, the head of the New Fourth Army at that time, happened to be absent from the military headquarters. If Xiang Ying was there, Ye Daozhi might be able to leave a life, but it was Ye Ting, who had always had strict military discipline, who would preside over the big plan.

This incident suddenly exploded inside the New Fourth Army, and Tao Yong was very anxious when he heard that Ye Daozhi had an accident with them. So, he

Immediately find Ye Ting to intercede, and vouch for party spirit and life. However, Ye Ting did not pay attention to Tao Yong's intercession and reprimanded Tao Yong. Tao Yong did not give up, and contacted several old comrades of the former Red Fourth Front to jointly write a letter to his superiors, hoping to save Ye Daozhi's life.

However, the situation at that time was very complicated, and Zhang Guotao, the leader of the former Red Fourth Front, had already joined the Kuomintang camp. Ye Daozhi dragged his gun away not only violated military discipline, but also tied up with the rebellious Zhang Guotao, and this moment became a hundred mouths. In the end, Ye Daozhi was there

After being tried, he was shot on August 30 of the same year, at the age of 28.

In a "job-hopping" incident of the New Fourth Army, the former Red Fourth Front's army would be mistakenly killed, and one person would become a lieutenant general

Chen Kang

In 1955, Chen Kang was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and it had been exactly 17 years since ye Daozhi and Xu Changsheng had died. Time's up

October 21, 1983

The General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army was finally officially established as Ye Daozhi.

Xu Changsheng

He was rehabilitated and his due reputation was restored.

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