
Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

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In the traditional view, people over the age of fifty are almost at the stage of retirement. In modern society, the careers of people in their fifties are basically stagnant or even declining, and the situation is even worse for women.

However, there are always exceptions, 52-year-old Yang Lan joined Lenovo as an independent non-executive director with an annual salary of 2.35 million, which is the envy of everyone.

Yang Lan proved to the public with strength that as long as you are ready, age and gender have never been the reasons to hinder your climbing.

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

A life that does not move forward is a step backwards, and women should be on the road and move forward courageously until they die. Yang Lan can have today's achievements and she saw through two things early on.

First, always invest in yourself

The so-called investment in yourself, not to buy bags, shoes, gold and silver jewelry to wrap yourself, although these are also very important, but more important than this is to invest in your own brain.

Looking at Yang Lan's life, you will find that she has devoted her life to investing in her brain. When Yang Lan graduated from the Foreign Chinese College in his youth, he was catching up with the recruitment host of CCTV's "Chia Tai Variety", and Yang Lan stood out among thousands of people with his excellent eloquence.

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

At the time of fame, Yang Lan resolutely decided to give up the "iron rice bowl" of CCTV to study at Columbia University, she did not linger on everything brought by fame and fortune, but put herself in the heavy and lonely study, study international relations with peace of mind, and after successfully completing her studies, Yang Lan received an invitation from the three major TELEVISION stations in the United States, but she chose to clear zero and return to China for development.

She knows very well that the prosperity in front of her is only a castle in the air, the upward road will never be smooth, and all we can do is to arm ourselves when danger comes.

Let yourself have enough learning, judgment, and adaptability to cope with possible changes.

The social environment in which women live is actually easy to be blinded by temporary comfort and ease, causing them to waste their lives in the false prosperity, and when time passes, life is brought to the truth, and everything is regrettable.

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

In The Second Sex, De Beauvoir argues that men are fortunate that they are forced to take the hardest and most reliable path from an early age, while women, on the contrary, are almost always surrounded by irresistible temptations.

Instead of encouraging her to struggle, people will ask her to obey this temptation and become a person with no cognition and social value, and when she wakes up, she will often find that she has returned to heaven.

It is deeply believed that the only thing that people can rely on for life is themselves.

As the old saying goes: rely on everyone to run. Learning, moving forward, and growing up will be accompanied by pain, but the knowledge and ability you gain will never abandon you. And these things will gradually increase in value over time, and eventually the return you will get will grow exponentially.

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

Therefore, women, even if someone promises you gentleness, please do not give up on yourself easily, never give up your ability to learn and create.

Maybe the other party can protect you today and promise you gold and silver jewelry tomorrow, but what about the day after tomorrow? Ten years from now? Human nature cannot stand the test, but anyone who throws themselves into the game of testing human nature will eventually lose miserably.

Second, firm goals

The most common problem for women in the workplace is how to balance family and career, and many women eventually compromise in front of the family's children and give up their career prospects to stay in the family.

But in real life, as long as it is a professional woman who has given up her career, there is no regret in the end.

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

Therefore, women in the workplace must understand one thing, that is, when they choose a goal, they should not waver in the slightest, identify it, and move forward firmly, a person with a firm goal has already won many people who are still wandering and giving up halfway when they start.

When there is a conflict between family and career, don't think about giving up as soon as there is a problem, the direction of balance will definitely be there, and the focus is on whether you have really explored it.

Yang Lan once wrote in her book: "Work is for safety and independence, family is for happiness, and both are not only women's dreams, but also men's pursuits."

The problem is often that if you want independence and security from "family" and happiness from "work", and get the role requirements wrong from the beginning, then the result will be disappointment no matter what. ”

Yang Lan, who joined Lenovo at the age of 52 and earns an annual salary of 2.35 million: Women should see through two things in their lives

People are out of balance between family and career, in large part because they have not figured out their positioning.

You need to be clear about what the functions of family and work are, and then clarify the goals you want to achieve in various fields, and once you have determined the goals, you will spare no effort to achieve them, encounter problems, and find ways to solve them, rather than abandoning the goals.

It is extremely important to have a clear goal in life. A clear goal can push you closer to the goal in reverse, attracting external forces that can help you achieve your goal.

Gender and age are not the reason for anyone to slack off, if you don't want to do nothing all your life, please keep your sensitivity to the outside world, keep growing for life, and the opportunities will continue to come.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Vogel, D. L., & Wester, S. R. (2003). To seek help or not to seek help: The risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3), 351.

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