
Huawei's new business exploded, from the strongest mobile phone manufacturer to the strongest car company? This year, 300,000 units will be sold

At a time when the mobile phone business is stagnant and the ban is untying, Huawei has quietly changed its focus on the consumer business. On the one hand, Huawei is still working hard to maintain its own mobile phone business, launching various types of mobile phones as much as possible, and raising the unit price of mobile phones to obtain more profits; on the other hand, Huawei is also making efforts in other consumer businesses, such as involved in automobile research and development and sales. And now it seems that Huawei's brand still has a lot of influence, at least from the current market and user feedback, Huawei as a company involved in automobiles, has stepped out of a solid one.

Huawei's new business exploded, from the strongest mobile phone manufacturer to the strongest car company? This year, 300,000 units will be sold

In fact, from producing and manufacturing parts for smart cars, to joining hands with car companies to create Huawei Inside's new business model, Huawei now even uses its own retail channels to sell cars online and offline, Huawei has penetrated into the automotive field. Although both inside and outside the industry have said that Huawei's partner, Xilis, is the foundry of Huawei's cars, Huawei has repeatedly denied this statement. Including Yu Chengdong, he continued to emphasize that Huawei does not make cars, reiterating that "at present, aito asks the world M5 research and development, manufacturing is the responsibility of Xiaokang Xilis, Huawei only assists in product modeling, interior and exterior design and brand marketing, including smart cockpits, motors, electronic controls, etc. using Huawei technology and parts." ”

But it is undeniable that Huawei's various measures are not as simple as an ordinary solution provider. Usually smart car solution providers, including NVIDIA and Qualcomm, are not involved in the development of spare parts, but Huawei not only wants to develop and produce parts for smart cars, but even develops the entire power architecture of its own electric vehicles, not to mention that Huawei has made a mature plan based on Hongmeng on the car machine system. Therefore, at present, electric vehicles like Cerris, Huawei has actually been very deeply involved in research and development, almost in addition to manufacturing also involved in the entire process of the entire car, and even direct sales, so it is no wonder that everyone thinks that Huawei is actually an automobile company now.

Huawei's new business exploded, from the strongest mobile phone manufacturer to the strongest car company? This year, 300,000 units will be sold

However, regardless of whether Huawei admits that it is a car company or not, or whether it builds cars or not, the auto-related field has become a focus of Huawei's next step. Yu Chengdong said that Huawei sells cars for three reasons: after Huawei was sanctioned, there is a serious lack of 5G chips, mobile phone shipments have fallen sharply, and selling cars is to help stores continue to survive; if car companies completely build a retail system with shopping malls as the core from scratch, rental costs and labor costs are very expensive, with the help of Huawei's original retail system and service network, help car manufacturers save a lot of costs in establishing retail channels, and also drive large-scale sales of car parts to achieve a win-win situation; Helping car companies succeed will also make Huawei's smart travel ecosystem grow rapidly, taking the HarmonyOS smart cockpit as an example, the car can be linked with the mobile phone to form a strong smart ecosystem, and the ecological experience surpasses the opponent.

According to Huawei's plan, by the end of 2022, it will first use its own offline 1,000 retail stores to sell cars, assuming that each store can sell 30 vehicles per month, and monthly sales can reach 30,000 vehicles. This year, Huawei will challenge the sales target of 300,000 vehicles, and the annual sales of cooperative car companies will reach 100 billion yuan. Yu Chengdong said that Huawei's brand marketing, retail channel capabilities, and product competitiveness can support the sales target of 300,000 vehicles, but there are still many challenges.

Huawei's new business exploded, from the strongest mobile phone manufacturer to the strongest car company? This year, 300,000 units will be sold

In fact, now we in Huawei's offline retail stores, we can see the presence of electric cars in the store, which is undeniably attractive to some users, but for Huawei's cross-border sales of cars, as well as the influence of the electric vehicle brand itself, it is actually more than 300,000 sales a year, in fact, it is still difficult. And whether it is a mobile phone or a car, the user still believes that the art industry has a specialty in this sentence, so if after the initial heat has passed, if the car itself has a short board, the user will not be willing to pay.

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