
Automatic driving skills slip through the mouth, and are essential skills for beginners on the road

According to Zaozhuang Public Security:

How do I drive an automatic car? Nowadays, with the limelight of automatic transmission cars completely covering manual transmission models, many people buy drivers first choice is automatic transmission, compared to manual transmission, automatic transmission of the car will be simpler to drive. The following is to share with you the following automatic driving skills slip through the mouth, hoping to help so better master the driving skills of automatic transmission cars.

Automatic gear starting trick

One dial, two steps, three hanging blocks, four sounds, five pines, six observations, seven lifts, eight steps, nine lights

One stroke - toggle the turn signal switch to turn on the left turn signal;

Second step - step down the brake pedal;

Three-mount gear - put the transmission lever in "D" gear;

Four rings – ring a horn;

Five pines - release the handbrake;

Six observations - observation of the surrounding traffic situation;

Seven lifts – slowly lift the brake pedal;

Eight steps - slow pedal acceleration pedal;

Nine-way light - after starting to walk in the driving lane, return to the positive turn signal.

Automatic stop-and-go tipping tips

One stroke two to see three deceleration, brake do not loosen under the step, pull the brake back gear to lift the brake, turn off the lights and turn off the key.

One stroke - turn on the right turn signal in advance;

Second look - look at the right rearview mirror to confirm safety;

Three decelerations - lift the accelerator pedal, pedal the brake pedal, and slow down until a smooth stop;

Pull brake - pull up the hand brake;

Back gear - put the transmission lever back to P or N gear, such as long-term parking, placed in P gear, if only briefly stopped, can be placed in N gear;

Lift the brake - after pulling the handbrake and reversing the gear, the brake pedal can be lifted;

Turn off the lights – turn off the turn signals;

Turn off the engine - shut down the engine;

Pull out the key - after a long time of parking, after the power off, the gear position is in the P gear, in order to unplug the key, other gears can not unplug the key; when the N gear, the car can move.

Auto-stop acceleration technique

Some drivers think that as long as the D gear starts, all the way to increase the throttle can be driven at high speed, do not know that this practice is very one-sided, automatic car is not fully automatic. In the process of driving an automatic car, especially when going up the hill and climbing a hill, the driver should give up the habit of "D" to the end.

Especially when climbing steep slopes, only using D gear, the driver will obviously feel that the car is relatively weak and cannot accelerate, at this time may wish to step back in a gear, using hill climbing gear (low gear) to climb, the car not only runs very powerfully, but also drives more briskly. If you want to continue to accelerate, you can shift gears in the order of 1, 2, 3, D, when you see the tachometer to a certain value, immediately hang into the high gear, so that you can make full use of the power of the engine to achieve the fastest acceleration effect.

Source: Zaozhuang High-speed Traffic Police

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