
Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

As we all know, high blood pressure is a common chronic disease, about one in every three people is a case of hypertension, in general, taking drugs in time can achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure, and it is precisely so that many people do not pay attention to the matters in life.

As everyone knows, the stability of blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, the 5 factors mentioned below are also triggers, and I hope that everyone will understand in advance and avoid targeted.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

1. Bad work and rest habits

In today's society, many people have irregular behaviors, especially young office workers, there is no extra time to entertain during the day, and there will always be delayed sleep at night, the impact is indeed small in the short term, but in the long run, it is easy to promote a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Because the night is originally the rest stage of various parts, if it does not enter the sleep state, it will stimulate the nervous system of the cerebral cortex, resulting in sympathetic excitement and adrenaline secretion, and eventually bring pressure to the blood vessels.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

2. Smoking and drinking

With the acceleration of the pace of life, people's pressure is also increasing, in order to release bad emotions in time, some people will solve it by smoking and drinking, but the nicotine in tobacco is easy to cause sympathetic nervous system excitement, prompting rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure.

Alcohol is more irritating, if you drink alcohol regularly, it will first dilate blood vessels, so that blood pressure suddenly decreases, but after a long time, blood pressure will rebound and rise.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

3. Do not take medicine without symptoms

There is a saying that the drug is three points of poison, so in order to prevent the burden on the liver and kidneys, some patients with high blood pressure will blindly stop the drug after the symptoms improve slightly.

But everyone ignores that the reason why hypertension is stable is that the drug has played a role, and not all patients have high blood pressure symptoms such as dizziness and headache. Therefore, even if there is no sign of discomfort, it is necessary to take medicine according to the doctor's instructions and measure blood pressure regularly.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

4. Large mood swings

Abnormal fluctuations in mood are also one of the culprits that promote the rise in blood pressure, because when in the midst of extreme excitement, sadness, anxiety, depression and other bad emotions, the body will produce more angiotensin catecholamines and epinephrine, which will continue to stimulate the vascular endothelium, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

5, do not pay attention to keep warm

Clinical survey data show that after entering the autumn and winter seasons, the incidence of hypertension complications is higher, mainly because the temperature is relatively low at this stage, especially in the case of no warm measures in the morning and evening;

Stimulated by cold air, blood vessels will contract sharply, so remind people with high blood pressure that whenever the season changes and temperature changes are large, they should add clothes in time and monitor blood pressure more.

Stabilizing high blood pressure, in addition to being related to antihypertensive drugs, these 5 factors can also lead to blood pressure instability

In fact, in addition to the above 5 factors will lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure, poor diet structure is also a trigger, such as adding too much salt in the process of cooking food, so that the sodium ions in it will also put pressure on the blood vessels.

All in all, although high blood pressure is a common disease and can be improved after taking medication, if you do not pay attention to the 5 influencing factors mentioned above, the condition will continue to worsen.

Therefore, when diagnosed with high blood pressure, everyone must take antihypertensive drugs under the guidance of a doctor, and avoid staying up late, eating a light diet and doing some exercise in moderation.

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