
Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

author:Dr. Wang's popular science chat

Introduction: Today's fast-paced life has brought a certain pressure to many people, many people have insomnia and dreams, in addition to a certain amount of pressure, may be due to the body's metabolic secretion level is abnormal, thus affecting the body's liver detoxification to structure the operation of tissue cells and organs, endangering the health of the body.

If the liver blood in the body is exuberant, the human body will show full of energy, encounter everything is very hard, the body is very healthy, if the liver blood in the body is insufficient, it may cause abnormal secretion of hormone levels in the gas, for female friends, there may be skin deterioration, dull yellow and no luster, and it will also affect the menstrual volume in the body, hair loss, which has a certain relationship with the secretion in the body, thus affecting the sleep status.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

01 Insomnia also has certain differences, which are roughly divided into the following three types:

1. Short sleep time

For patients who often insomnia, it is not possible to sleep for a while at night, the sleep time is relatively short, there is no way to carry out, so that falling asleep is more than the physical and mental exhaustion and the pressure of work and life has a certain relationship, may affect their own emotions.

Often such a serious situation may also suffer from the risk of depression, most of which are caused by insufficient qi and blood in the body, so everyone needs to adjust their mood in peacetime, you can go to the hospital to seek medical help, prescribe some prescriptions for qi and blood, which is conducive to alleviating such symptoms.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

2. Difficulty falling asleep

This kind of situation I believe that many people have experienced, at night when you want to sleep always can not sleep, lie down for more than an hour or there is no bit of sleepiness, often appear this kind of situation is due to the liver qi in the body caused by depression, this situation is mainly due to excessive worry, thereby causing physical and mental exhaustion, so suffering from this kind of situation everyone to adjust their mood, reduce their own pressure, can alleviate such symptoms.

3. Sleep is shallow and dreamy

This type of situation occurs because the sleep time is relatively short, and there may be a situation of dreaming at night, and even sometimes the memory is not concentrated and the body has no strength, which is due to the lack of blood oxygen supply in the body, resulting in the fatigue of the nerve center of the brain.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

02 Difficulty falling asleep is liver fire, easy to wake up is qi and blood deficiency, Chinese medicine teaches you a few formulas, or helps insomnia

1. Drink plenty of water

In the usual must develop the habit of drinking water frequently, adults should control 1500 ml to 2000 ml of water every day, more than 70% of the human body is composed of water, if the lack of water may cause the body's metabolic operation to slow down, often hydration can promote blood circulation in the body, can help the brain neurotransmitters.

When drinking water, you should pay attention to the fact that before going to bed at night, it is not recommended to drink water for half an hour to an hour or so, so as to avoid edema at night, and it will also cause the performance of getting up at night to go to the toilet, which is not conducive to sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

2. Soak your feet in warm water

The acupuncture points on the feet are very many, often soaking feet can promote blood circulation in the feet, so that the blood vessels in the body are dilated and reduced, and congestion of the brain can also play a role in alleviating the fatigue of the day, for people who often work, the night test foot soaking can play a role in alleviating the condition of insomnia.

When soaking feet, you can carry out self-massage, which helps to relieve the fatigue of the day, and from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, you can massage the Fountain Acupoint, which is under the second or third foot slit, gently massaged with your fingers, which is of certain help for life.

Soak your feet every night, insist on 20 minutes to half an hour or so, immediately lie on the bed after soaking your feet, don't pick up the phone to look at the phone, and avoid the situation of not being able to sleep again.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

3. Do not eat before going to bed

When sleeping at night, all tissue cells and organs are running in the body, and if you eat before going to bed immediately, it may cause gastrointestinal digestive burden, resulting in chest compression, and severe breathing may also occur arrhythmia.

When sleeping at night, you should also avoid drinking strong tea and drinking some coffee equivalent to stimulating substances, which may stimulate the body, and the nerve centers of the brain have a certain adverse effect on sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep is the liver, easy to wake up is blood deficiency, 3 different insomnia problems, the solution is here

4. Exercise appropriately before going to bed

Insisting on exercise can promote the body's blood circulation, improve the immunity and resistance of the human body, and reduce the invasion of some viruses or bacteria, but when you sleep at night, you can do appropriate exercise, do not be too intense, and avoid the body from being hyperactive and difficult to sleep.

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