
French media: What is the "bubble" closed-loop management of the Beijing Winter Olympics?

Agence France-Presse 's January 13 article, original title: Police escort, wear protective clothing – Welcome to the Beijing Winter Olympics "bubble" In order to stop the new crown virus, China will host the Beijing Winter Olympics in a huge "bubble" that cannot be penetrated.

French media: What is the "bubble" closed-loop management of the Beijing Winter Olympics?

What is a "closed loop"? China has adopted an approach that is consistent with the country's strict zero-tolerance policy. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, athletes, logistics staff, volunteers and the media will be in a "bubble" closed loop management throughout the Beijing Winter Olympics (and The Winter Paralympic Games).

In fact, this "bubble" is not separated by a huge area in the Chinese capital, it is composed of many small "bubbles", such as selecting a quarantined hotel for the Winter Olympics on the side of the street where the people of Beijing use it every day.

During the Tokyo Olympics last summer, journalists could leave the "bubble" and enter the public environment after two weeks of quarantine. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, all personnel cannot leave the closed loop. The closed loop also covers the accommodation area and the movement of people in the three divisions. The reporters from the airport to the hotel, where the first nucleic acid tests were carried out, were taken in a special bus escorted by a police car. Staff at the airport wear masks and protective clothing. Organizers of the Winter Olympics said there were 72 hotels and more than 4,000 vehicles dedicated to transporting Winter Olympic personnel within the closed loop.

What about life in a closed loop? Everyone inside the "bubble" must be fully vaccinated or quarantined for 21 days before entering the closed loop. Nucleic acid testing is carried out every day, and all people must wear high-specification masks at all times. There are also restaurants, convenience stores and gas stations inside the Bubble. This week, Beijing police reminded local drivers that if they have an accident with a Vehicle for the Winter Olympics, they should avoid contact with the vehicle and the people inside the vehicle to avoid the "bubbles" being destroyed. The garbage in the "bubble" is also disposed of separately from other public garbage. (Translated by Chen Jun'an)

German TV on January 13 article, original title: Beijing Winter Olympics, the Olympic Games in the "protection bubble" Huang Chun, deputy director of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Office of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said at an online press conference on the 11th that from the closed-loop management of the event launched on January 4, the overall situation is controllable.

The Beijing Winter Olympics will officially open on February 4. The Winter Olympics will be conducted in closed-loop management. Athletes and other participants will not have access to the public. Since last week, thousands of volunteers, cleaners, cooks, and drivers have entered a closed-loop quarantine phase. In the coming weeks, about 3,000 athletes and a larger number of coaches, officials and journalists will arrive in Beijing. They will remain in the closed loop from the date of arrival until they leave China. (Translated by Aoki)

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