
Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible


Zhu Was only 36 years old when he died. Many people wonder, is being an emperor a chore? Why did so many emperors die young? In fact, 36 years old, in ancient times, is not a short-lived performance, belongs to the normal level.

However, the reason why there was a short life in ancient times is mainly because of the average age. More than eighty percent of the people, that is a short-lived fate, why? Because of the hardships of life, poor food, and low looking down on illness, we are still relatively lucky to live in the present.

Among the nobles, that is, among the rich, why are there also short-lived? That's the problem of medical conditions. However, in ancient times, rich people preferred health, so those who did not die prematurely, of course, there would be no short-lived situation.

Zhu Yuanzhang lived to be 71 years old, Zhu Di lived to be 65 years old, and even Zhu Gaozi, who weighed more than 300 kilograms of various cardiovascular diseases, lived to be 47 years old. How could Zhu Zhanji, who has always been in very good health, live only 36 years old?

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

01 Zhu Zhanji had 14 wives and concubines, but only two sons, and often engaged in elixirs to eat.

Many people mention Zhu Zhanji, which is a thumbs up, because this is an emperor who is basically flawless. The appointment of sages to manage the government, the smooth flow of the country, the people living and working in peace and contentment, and the creation of the prosperous era of the rule of Renxuan, is indeed a good emperor.

In the seventh year of Yongle, from Xingjing, he ordered the agricultural tools and the Tian family to eat and clothe, and taught them the "Wu Ben Xun". For eight years, Cheng Zu marched into the desert and was ordered to stay in Beijing. In November of the ninth year, he was made the emperor's grandson and crowned. Self-righteous, the patrol is obedient. Hu Guang, a scholar of the Imperial Household, and others, lectured on the history of scripture for taisun in the army. Ren Zong said: "This day he Taiping Tianzi also." Emperor Renzong ascended the throne and was made crown prince. --- History of the Ming Dynasty

However, when asked about the cause of his death, the cause of death of the emperor was generally due to physical overwork. Because he was the biggest under the heavens, the emperor had no one to control. As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji was naturally no exception, so if Zhu Zhanji's private life in the harem was unrestrained, it would also lead to his untimely death.

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

We have records to inquire, and the concubines who can be named, Zhu Zhanji, have 14.

Needless to say, there are too many palace ladies. Therefore, his concubines are not many, and it cannot be said that his private life is sufficiently restrained.

However, Zhu Zhanji's sons were only two.

One is the famous Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen, and the other is Zhu Qiyu, who has been emperor for several years in place of Zhu Qizhen. There were no more sons, and of course three daughters.

Logically, there are 14 concubines, how can there be only two sons?

? Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne at the age of 26, and at this time he had plenty of time to have children. But he didn't have so many sons, for the simple reason that maybe his health wasn't very good.

According to the Roadside News Agency, Zhu Zhanji very much likes to eat the elixir.

But what the specific effect of the elixir is to compensate for, we do not know.

However, we can guess, because Zhu Zhanji was still very young at that time, who in his twenties thought of immortality? So I think the elixir he was looking for may be for replenishing his body.

However, this elixir became the main cause of his death, what elixir was there under the heavens? Either take the tonic or exercise yourself. The elixirs are all manifestations of quick success, and it is obvious that Zhu Zhanji wants to quickly make up for the deficit of the body, so he will be obsessed with the immortal elixir thing. Unfortunately, the more I ate, the more empty I became, and finally I hollowed myself out.

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

02Zhu Zhanji worked hard? Is it exhaustion?

There are many diligent emperors in history, and that is really overwork. Working for more than ten hours a day, tirelessly reading the recital to deal with major national affairs, it is strange not to die of exhaustion.

But did Zhu Zhanji have any troubles in this regard? I don't think so. Zhu Zhanji was jokingly called the Cricket Emperor by everyone because he liked cricket fighting very much. And I also like to engage in some recreational activities, such as painting and writing and other things.

It can be seen from this that Zhu Zhanji's life was very good, and there were too many sages under him, and Sanyang, Xia Yuanji, Zhang Fu, and others could help him share the important affairs of the dynasty.

In the spring of the tenth year, he did not look at the dynasty and ordered his subjects to crown prince Yu Wenhua Hall. Koji, Big Gradual. Strike and build ambassadors. Yi Hai, collapsed in the Qianqing Palace, there are eight Chinese New Year's Eve. He decreed that the state should take care of the White Emperor and Empress Dowager. Ding You, Shangzun Yu, Temple Xuanzong, Burial Jingling. --- History of the Ming Dynasty

Therefore, Zhu Zhanji had no need to worry about being overworked. At this time, he naturally had spare time to engage in a little personal hobby. It can be seen that Zhu Zhanji is an emperor who likes to play more.

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

Such an emperor said that he would die of overwork and beat him to death, and I did not believe it. But on the other hand, if you think about it, it is precisely because he uses his spare time to do these things, so he is still very tired, doesn't this also make sense?

8 hours of work a day, after work, you have to come back to write 8 hours of articles, then do you want to die of overwork? Who is too hard to die?

If you accidentally have a hobby of playing basketball and soccer, it will take up 4 hours of your time, leaving you only 4 hours a day to sleep.

On the surface, your life is rich and colorful, and you are not tired from work at all, but in fact your body has been overdrawn, but you yourself do not know it, because no one can control you.

Zhu Zhanji may be precisely because of this reason that he will lead to death from overwork. In his spare time, he was not idle at all, his body was always working, and it was strange that he was not tired.

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

03 Zhu Di's Empress Xu family is a person with a short life.

Zhu Yuanzhang lived for 71 years, and Zhu Di lived for 65 years, which is a very long life. However, Zhu Gaozi only lived for 47 years, while Zhu Gaoxu's two brothers, Zhu Gaoxu, lived for 47 years, and Zhu Gaoxu lived for 49 years. Except for Zhu Gaoxu, who was killed, the life expectancy of the other two brothers did not exceed 50 years.

Perhaps we will find a new clue, the mother of Zhu Gaozi's three brothers, Empress Xu's lifespan, is not long in itself. Empress Xu herself lived only 46 years.

Empress Xu was the daughter of Xu Da and married Zhu Di, the King of Yan

。 And Xu Da himself lived to be 54 years old, which is ok, after all, Rong Ma's life is full of illness.

Let's look at how old Empress Xu's brothers, that is, Xu Da's sons, lived

。 Xu Da's eldest son, Xu Huizu, died in Yongle for five years and lived only more than 40 years. Xu Da's second son, Xu Yixu, was born in 1372 and lived to be only 45 years old.

Xu Da's third son, Xu Tianfu, died prematurely at an early age.

Xu Da's fourth son, Xu Zengshou, whose year of birth is unknown, died in 1402 and was killed by the Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiao, so he only lived to be less than 40 years old.

It can be seen that none of Xu Da's children have lived past the age of 50. It can be seen that the Xuda family does not have a longevity gene. Xu Da's daughter, Empress Xu, was Zhu Di's wife and Zhu Gaozi's biological mother.

None of the three sons born to Empress Xu have lived past the age of 50, and the life expectancy of natural grandchildren will also be affected, and Zhu Zhanji may also have this reason for living to be 36 years old.

Zhu Yuanzhang is 71 years old, Zhu Di is 65 years old, why did Zhu Zhanji only live for 36 years? Empress Xu's genes are responsible

Summary: Many people say that the ancients lived to be 36 years old, but in fact, this is a very wrong idea.

Because the ancients had poor medical conditions, they could die if they got a cold. Therefore, many people are more exaggerated, thinking that the life expectancy of the ancients is very short, and it is good to live for thirty years.

What's more, it is believed that the average life expectancy can represent the actual life expectancy of people in the era in which the ancients lived. This is a very wrong view.

Because in the average life expectancy, an average of a large number of children who died at birth, an average of a large number of poor people who have no food and no money to see a doctor, and an average of a large number of soldiers who died in war.

So such an average is like taking the average income of you and the world's richest man, and you feel that your income is still good, which is an illusion in itself.

Emperor Renzong was the crown prince and fell out of love with Chengyi. Its danger is restored, and Taisun Gai is powerful. After taking the throne, the officials were called their posts, the government was peaceful, the Gang Ji was repaired, the Cangyu was full of envy, and the Lu Yan Leye was promoted. Years can't be scary. Gai Mingxing is the sixtieth year of the calendar year, the people's morale is gradually relaxed, and the steaming has the image of peace. If the strong clan rises suddenly, it will be smoothed out immediately, sweeping away the side dust, cunning and deterrence, the emperor's heroic posture and wisdom, and the few grams of rope ancestor warriors. --- History of the Ming Dynasty

In fact, the life expectancy of rich people in ancient times was really not short, especially in the Ming Dynasty, the medical conditions were not as bad as everyone imagined. They pay great attention to health and are willing to spend a lot of money to supplement their bodies. So unless they are born genetically, they can live to be many years old.

Zhu Zhanji lived to be 36 years old, and there must be a special reason. Either it is overdraft, overwork, or there are genetic defects in the genes, and it must not be said that 36 years old is already good.


History of the Ming Dynasty

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