
The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

author:Xinyuan Online

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Specialty cold dish with strange flavored chicken slices

The uniqueness of Sichuan cuisine lies in "one dish and one taste, one hundred dishes and one hundred grids". Maybe you have only eaten the daily Sichuan flavor of "hemp, spicy, salty, sour, sweet", but the most Sichuan flavor of the "strange taste" has made countless diners bend their waists!

Strange taste is one of the many flavor types of Sichuan cuisine with a unique style. The most exquisite flavor type in cold dishes is "strange taste". Then "strange chicken slices" is one of the representatives of Sichuan's traditional flavor cold dishes.

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

Strange flavor chicken slices into simple dishes, its dishes are tender and tender, seven flavors are integrated with each other and do not suppress each other's taste, the taste is special, so the name strange flavor chicken slices.

What exactly does the weird smell really smell? //

"Strange taste", as the most unique of the 24 flavor types of Sichuan cuisine, lets friends from other places come to taste the exact taste type, combining the subtlety of 7 kinds of taste - salty, sweet, hemp, spicy, sour, fresh, fragrant

Take a bite of the "weird chicken slices", which begin with a powerful hemp and sour taste, followed by a slow ooze of sweetness, followed by a salty taste based on the dish. Fresh and spicy, the seven flavors are complete, each flavor is equally important and coordinated, very good!

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

Obviously, the biggest difficulty in modulating Sichuan's "strange taste" lies in the proportion of each seasoning.

Strange taste requires that there are not many varieties of condiments, but it requires that the proportion of various spices is appropriate, integrated with each other and do not suppress each other's taste, so that the taste of such a "strange taste" is not "strange".

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

Strange taste skillfully uses "white sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, pepper noodles, sesame paste, red oil" and other condiments, several of which skillfully combine the five flavors of sour, sweet, spicy and salty, and any of them are similar and unlike, like a very good taste of life.

I have to say that this original flavor type of Sichuan cuisine is very tempting, and the more you eat the seven flavors, the more addictive you are! The chef teaches you how to tune the "weird taste" recipe, and the appetizer depends on it!

Everything is ready, let's get started!

Required ingredients

100g of earth rooster / 50g of green onion Ginger / Green onion / Pepper / cooking wine to taste

Seasoning: Salt 1g / Sugar 10g / MSG 5g Balsamic vinegar 10g / Soy sauce 5g / Peppercorn noodles 2g sesame paste 5g / Red oil 30g

The specific dosage is added according to personal preference

Preparation steps:

Step 1

Boil water in a pot, put the whole chicken in cold water, add ginger, green onion, peppercorns, cooking wine to bring the water to a boil, turn it down to low heat, slow cook for 15 minutes to turn off the heat, and then let the chicken simmer in the pot for 20 minutes

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

(Poke the chicken with chopsticks, no blood can come out)

Step 2

After the cooked chicken is cooled, it is sliced with a knife. Then cut the green onion into horse ears and place it on the bottom of the dish as the bottom of the padding.

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

Step 3

In the seasoning bowl, first add sugar and vinegar to stir the two well, then add soy sauce, salt and evenly, then add red oil, pepper noodles, MSG and stir well, and finally add sesame paste to increase the consistency.

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

(Be sure to season in order!) )

Step 4

Drizzle the sauce over the chicken fillets and you're ready to go.

The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes


The most unique flavor type of Sichuan cuisine, where is the "strange taste"? Chef discloses recipes

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