
Russian influencers arrested for taking indecent photos outside churches are likely to face hefty fines and imprisonment

author:Magical foreigner

According to foreign media reports on January 12, a tattooed Internet celebrity Polina Morugina was arrested and under investigation after taking photos outside the Church of The Assumption of Our Lady of The Blessed Virgin mary in the Fili community of Moscow, Russia, without clothes. According to local media sources, Pollina's photo was taken last summer and only just attracted the attention of the relevant departments.

Russian influencers arrested for taking indecent photos outside churches are likely to face hefty fines and imprisonment

Pollina, 24, who later emptied her social media accounts, could currently face a £3,000 fine or a year in prison. However, Pollina has not commented on the police investigation. Previously, there was an influencer in Turkey who had the same thing happen.

Russian influencers arrested for taking indecent photos outside churches are likely to face hefty fines and imprisonment

Merve Taskin was sentenced to be considered "obscene" after returning to Turkey for taking photos at the "Sex Museum" in Amsterdam. Meyff, who has 573,000 followers on Ins, took some photos at the "Sex Museum" and the neighboring Red Light District in January 2020 as she traveled to the Dutch capital to celebrate her 22nd birthday.

Russian influencers arrested for taking indecent photos outside churches are likely to face hefty fines and imprisonment

Three months later, Meyf was arrested on charges of "obscenity" in the northwestern Turkish city of Canakkale, and the photos were subsequently removed. Under Turkish law, a person who publishes "obscene" material is punishable by up to three years in prison. Meyff was initially sentenced to 6 months in prison, but due to his good performance, the sentence was shortened to 5 months, after which he was sentenced to a suspended sentence.

Russian influencers arrested for taking indecent photos outside churches are likely to face hefty fines and imprisonment

Last month, Meve wrote on Ins: "The prosecution's opinion is not in my favor, but my post is within the bounds of free speech." However, the court did not agree with us and sentenced me to 5 months in prison. In the current situation, I still have 5 years to slow down, otherwise the consequences are still quite serious. ”

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