
Pretending to be strong and enjoy being taken care of, these zodiac signs have an inner world full of tears!

In our love life, there are always some people who are more subtle in personality and like to show their strong side, but deep down they are eager to be liked and cared for by each other. Moreover, there are still many such people in life, and I really don't know whether to be strong or stupid.

Pretending to be strong and enjoy being taken care of, these zodiac signs have an inner world full of tears!


As a fire sign, whether it is Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, they are all people who love face and like to be strong in front of others. In fact, this is all for others to see, and they have a lot to do with their competitive spirit. But deep inside, there are also very soft places, and there are also times of pain, but they usually don't want to show people. Therefore, people in the fire sign are interdependent in inferiority and arrogance, and they need someone who can understand them in order to get real happiness and happiness.

Pretending to be strong and enjoy being taken care of, these zodiac signs have an inner world full of tears!


Don't look at Gemini people usually love crazy, love to play, love to make trouble, in fact, their hearts are lonelier than anyone, the reason why they do not show it, is completely embarrassing. When Gemini is alone, it will feel very lonely, especially eager to get the care and care of others. If you can really go inside gemini, you will find that it is really a world full of tears, which have accumulated after experiencing hurts again and again. Therefore, Gemini will especially want someone to accompany and share everything about themselves.

Pretending to be strong and enjoy being taken care of, these zodiac signs have an inner world full of tears!


Cancer is a gentle zodiac sign, because of the delicate and sensitive personality, will be particularly concerned about many things. Some people say that Cancer is a small theater full of things you haven't heard and seen. However, Cancer will also appear strong in appearance, especially in front of his lover, and will definitely behave particularly responsibly. It's all because she's thinking about her partner and protecting her with her hard shell. Although Cancer is a drama, deep down, I also want someone who understands her and is good to her.

Pretending to be strong and enjoy being taken care of, these zodiac signs have an inner world full of tears!


When we get along with Scorpio, the first impression is that it is particularly cold, especially the unfamiliar Scorpio is really a bit difficult to communicate. This is because Scorpio is very good at seeing human nature, they see everything clearly. Because of this, Scorpio will be particularly disappointed in human nature, so that he will become more and more indifferent. However, Scorpio's heart is fiery, especially the Scorpio who is in love, on the one hand, strong, weak, both want to occupy the dominant position in love, but also eager to get the care of others, really greedy!

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