
Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

author:Professor Li Boqun of Chinese Medicine

With the increase in the incidence of breast diseases such as breast hyperplasia and breast cancer, people pay more and more attention to breast health, and more and more female friends go to the hospital for breast examination. When they get their inspection reports, they are often confused by the various technical terms written on them. Today I will teach you how to read the report sheet~

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached
In fact, it is not difficult to basically understand the breast ultrasound, and the breast ultrasound report is generally divided into three parts: ultrasound pictures, ultrasound seeing, and ultrasound prompts.

1. Ultrasound pictures

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

At the top of the color ultrasound report, several pictures are generally arranged, and each female friend has different pictures according to the complexity of the disease. Ultrasound doctors generally select 2 to 4 more typical images to print in the report. There will generally be information such as lesions and positional identification on the image. You can roughly understand the general condition of the lump, such as location, size, level, etc.

Second, what is seen by ultrasound

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

Below the picture, there is an ultrasound description of the most textual content. It describes the thickness of the glandular layer of the breast, the structure of the tissue, the echoes, whether the ducts of the breast are dilated, and so on.

(1) Size: Single lumps or lumps smaller than 3, ultrasound doctors will generally describe their size one by one. If it is a multiple lump of the same nature, generally write only the larger ones, or write about lumps larger than 10 mm.

(2) Position: The first is to mark the mass in the left breast or the right breast. This is followed by writing the specific location of the breast where the mass is located, and some hospitals write quadrants (through the two vertical lines of the nipple, the mammary gland is divided into four quadrants: outer upper, outer lower, inner lower, and inner upper). Some hospitals write the hour, which is equivalent to drawing a clock on the breast, the corresponding time is the time of the clock, and then mark the distance between this point and the nipple how many millimeters.

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached
Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

(3) Description of the lump:

1. Echo: There are three main types, namely strong echo, low echo and no echo. Strong echoes are generally hard in texture and generally represent calcification; low echoes represent solid nodules, and no echoes represent "liquid" nodules.

2. Morphology and boundary: In general, the benign nodule boundary is clear, the morphology is regular, round or elliptical. Malignant nodules are generally ill-defined or blurred, irregular in morphology, and crab-foot-like.

3. Blood flow: Breast ultrasound is usually color ultrasound, not imaging is color, but the blood supply to the nodule can be seen in the imaging. In general, there is no obvious blood flow in benign nodules or dotted strips of blood flow, and blood flow in malignant nodules is relatively abundant.

4. Aspect ratio: It means that the lump is long horizontally or vertically long, if it is long horizontally, then the aspect ratio is greater than 1, and if it is vertically long, then the aspect ratio may be less than 1. In general, an aspect ratio greater than 1 is a suspicious sign of malignancy.

Third, ultrasound prompts

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

BI-RADS, which is currently a common clinically common breast imaging reporting and data system for diagnosing breast diseases. An assessment classification that is widely used to evaluate the degree and risk of benign and malignant breast lesions.

The BI-RADS classification classifies breast lesions into grades 0 to 6. In general, the higher the level, the greater the likelihood of malignancy.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much about finding breast nodules, and timely treatment can be done!

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that breast nodules belong to the category of "mammary fetishism", which is closely related to organs such as liver, spleen and kidneys, and its pathogenesis is mainly caused by hepatic depression and spleen deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency, chong ren disorder, and sputum stasis coagulation in the breast. Therefore, clinical treatment should be based on liver thinning, blood activation and stasis as the main treatment methods. Here we recommend shunqi loose soup to everyone.

Prescription: Silkworm seed, chai hu, Sichuan root, deer antler cream, sichuan neem, hot licorice, bai shu, red peony, angelica, female virgin, ripe ground yellow, dry lotus grass, summer dry grass, yan hu suo, tulip, Ze diarrhea, Zhejiang shellfish, poria, white peony.

Silkworm seed, deer antler cream has the effect of warming the kidneys and helping the yang, female virgin, Ze diarrhea, ripe yellow, dry lotus grass nourishes the kidney yin, and harmonizes Chong Ren; angelica nourishes the blood and activates the blood, Sichuan root is a blood qi medicine, activates the blood qi, dissolves the stasis; summer dry grass, Zhejiang shellfish mother relieves the liver and dissolves the phlegm; Chai Hu Yu Jin thins the liver, Poria and Bai Shu Jian spleen phlegm, red peony, Yan Hu Suo cool blood activates blood, dispels bruising and relieving pain; White peony soft liver pain relief; Sichuan neem thins the liver qi, and the hot licorice blends the power of various medicines to strengthen the lifting and matching.

The combination of the above drugs can make the liver qi comfortable, the temper is strong, the rush is reconciled, and the disease is healed!

Don't panic about breast disease! Teach you to read the report sheet by hand, with the conditioning "" famous square attached

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