
"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

author:Nine factions view the world

"For You"

——Dedicated to the white-clad soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

I look at you gently

I hold you tightly

I approach you silently

I care deeply about you

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Your tears let me wipe them away for you

Your voice is calling me

You're going to wade through the mud, and I'm going to step flat on the rough

The story you want to tell, I'll write the legend

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

When the morning sun rises

I went further afield

The burning flame of youth

Reflect your sweet smile

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic


You are my brother and sister

Let me open my arms for you

Let me shield you from the wind and rain

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic
"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Your expectations are my mission

Your smile is comforting to me

The hardships you encounter, I will bear for you

I'm by your side when you need to

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

The moment the sky is about to light up

Disappear into the crowd

Blooms bloom in the spring

The most beautiful one is me

"For You" - dedicated to the white soldiers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic


You are my brother and sister

Let me hold up hope for you

We hold hands and walk toward tomorrow

Towards tomorrow!

Towards victory!

Source: The Fourth People's Hospital of Shaanxi Province, Author: Guo Yadong

【Source: Healthy Chen Cang】

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