
He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


The deeds of each founding father are as bright as the stars in the sky, and they are worth remembering and celebrating for each of our descendants. They will all have a legendary story behind them.

General Qin Jiwei is one of the many stars, And His life has made outstanding contributions to the national reunification of the motherland, whether from the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or the War of Liberation, and the most popular thing should be General Qin Jiwei's performance in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Qin Jiwei was born in Hong'an, the holy land of revolution, where there were many revolutionary leaders, Qin Jiwei was the youngest in the family, which also made his parents love him everywhere in life, but the sudden death of his father when Qin Jiwei was 8 years old made Qin Jiwei suffer a great blow. It is difficult to imagine that the original happy family has suffered the death of the family one after another, which has caused the young Qin Jiwei to suffer a lot of trauma, and it is from this time that he realized the importance of home, which also made Qin Jiwei realize the concept of the country from a very young age, and began Qin Jiwei's life of defending the family and defending the country.

Because Qin Jiwei's family had no financial resources, the young Qin Jiwei could only choose to join the army, just in time for the jute uprising, Qin Jiwei followed the jute uprising troops, although Qin Jiwei was only 13 years old at that time, but Qin Jiwei had a mature heart, bent on becoming a Red Army soldier, and finally got what he wanted in 1929 and joined the Red Army, this year he was only 15 years old.

Later, as Qin Jiwei grew older, Qin Jiwei's performance on the battlefield became better and better, which also made Qin Jiwei's position repeatedly promoted, once encountering the enemy on the battlefield to attack the city, Qin Jiwei led the troops to block the attack, although the number of enemies and weapons were several times that of Qin Jiwei's troops, but Qin Jiwei still repelled the enemy, setting a record in the army at that time.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

After that, Qin Jiwei's prestige in the army also became higher and higher, and later, under the mobilization of the organization, Qin Jiwei came to the Taihang Mountain base area to fight, successively inflicting heavy losses on the enemy's troops, and later rising to the commander of the Ninth Column, making great contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance.

In the Korean War in 1950, Qin Jiwei led the 15th Army across the Yalu River into the Korean battlefield, but it was on this battlefield that a fierce battle was staged- the Battle of Shangganling, which also let the world know about Qin Jiwei and his 15th Army.

In this vicious battle, the enemy of our army was the US Eighth Army, and the 15th led by Qin Jiwei was the only unit stationed in Shangganling, and their duty was to give the enemy resistance and hold this position when the enemy passed through here. However, such a blockade battle lasted for 43 days, and the shells of the normal battle blew up the entire hill of Shangganling by 2 meters, but it was even like this that Qin Jiwei still led the soldiers of his 15th Army to complete this impossible task.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

In this time in the team, the combat strength of the two sides is very different, the US military uses advanced military equipment, while the equipment of our army is still very old-fashioned rifle, Qin Jiwei and the soldiers are relying on the spirit of defending the motherland, successfully gave the US army a counterattack.

In this battle, Qin Jiwei constantly boosted the morale of the soldiers, and Qin Jiwei and the soldiers said: "Even if there is only one person left in the battle, we must hold this position." Every soldier kept in mind this sentence of General Qin Jiwei, and this sentence of General Qin Jiwei made all the soldiers full of fighting spirit, and it was Qin Jiwei's correct command in the battle that made this war so beautiful.

Through his performance in the Korean War this time, Qin Jiwei let the world see the strength of the Chinese army, and after the United States suffered losses on the Korean battlefield, it did not dare to underestimate China's military strength anymore. It is precisely because of this that after this, the chairman also specially received Qin Jiwei.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Qin Jiwei served as the commander of the Beijing Military Region in 1976, and at the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China military parade 8 years later, Deng Gong asked Qin Jiwei to command this military parade, and Qin Jiwei and the soldiers who had fought together participated in this military parade, which not only let the world see the development speed of China's military strength, but also let us see the cool and heroic posture of these older generation of revolutionary soldiers.

In 1997, General Qin Jiwei died of illness at the age of 83, looking back on General Qin Jiwei's life, his whole life, for the reunification of the country and the nation, General Qin Jiwei has been well aware since he was a child that "those who offend china will be punished from afar" From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the Korean War, General Qin Jiwei's heart is always worried about the reunification and prosperity of the motherland, and today's China is just as prosperous and strong as General Qin Jiwei wishes.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15, commanded the Battle of Shangganling, and served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade for the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


General Qin Jiwei's spirit of defending his family and defending the country and his life will be passed on forever, and now as a descendant, we will not forget the great contribution made by General Qin Jiwei to China's sovereign territorial integrity, and we should praise the revolutionary pioneers like General Qin Jiwei.

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