
If you want to test tubes once successfully, first look at these three basic factors and four objective conditions

A test tube success is a dream of many people, the dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel! In particular, everyone knows that pregnancy and childbirth is not a simple combination of sperm and egg, but also needs to involve many organs, such as fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, etc., even through test tubes, they are also an important role!

To do test tubes you need to:

1. The ovaries release high-quality eggs

2. Do not accumulate water in the fallopian tubes

3. The uterus can accept embryos

If you want to test tubes once successfully, first look at these three basic factors and four objective conditions

These are the basic factors for making test tubes, of course, if you want to test tubes once successful, there are certain conditions:

What conditions affect IVF pregnancy rates?

1. Elements of age

The older a woman is when she is treated with IVF, the more difficulties she will face, because a woman's fertility will fall with age, especially after the age of 35, the decline will be greater.

If you want to test tubes once successfully, first look at these three basic factors and four objective conditions

2. Pelvic disease elements

If a woman has problems with hydrosalpinx, pelvic disease, etc., the implantation of embryos after transfer will also have a certain impact.

3. Embryonic elements

IVF treatment, in the fertilization process is done in vitro, that is, in vitro fertilization, the embryologist will take out the sperm eggs outside the body to synthesize embryos, the more high-quality embryos are implanted and pregnant after transfer, the greater the chance.

4. Stress factors

Panic and anxiety have a certain negative impact on the success rate of IVF, in the IVF treatment process, the greater the pressure, the worse the pregnancy outcome, it can be seen that it is also important to adhere to a good mood during IVF treatment.

If you want to test tubes once successfully, first look at these three basic factors and four objective conditions


Everyone yearns for a dream, everyone expects a successful IVF, then we must strictly demand ourselves in life, diet and rest should pay attention to, diseases should be treated more, in a good physical state to follow the doctor's advice active treatment effect will be better, I hope that everyone's IVF journey can go more smoothly, successfully realize the dream.

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