
The results of Archaeological Research in Tibet | high-grade tombs in the Tubo period provide new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet

CCTV news: Among the results reported by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, there is also a new archaeological discovery of the Tang Dynasty, through rescue excavations, a number of precious cultural relics have been unearthed from the Tubo cemetery of Dangxiong Tubo in Lhasa, providing new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet.

The Tubo cemetery located in the Dangxiong Grassland in northern Lhasa is divided into two districts, the Dangxiong cemetery has found a total of 52 sealed tombs, and 14 have been excavated. Carbon dating shows that the tomb dates from the 7th to 9th centuries AD.

The results of Archaeological Research in Tibet | high-grade tombs in the Tubo period provide new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet

From 2020 to 2021, the excavated cultural relics cover gold and silverware, pottery, bronze, lacquerware, lapis lazuli, agate, coral, turquoise, pearls, etc., totaling more than 300 sets. In particular, more than 90 black and white stone Go pieces have been unearthed, which have the characteristics of Central Plains culture. According to reports, China's Go originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, and after the Tang Dynasty, it swept the country. In addition, the tomb also unearthed a male lion bird pattern golden ear spoon, the handle is a suzaku shape, similar to the pattern on some artifacts in the Tang Dynasty Liangjing area, showing the close cultural exchanges between Tubo and the Tang Dynasty.

The results of Archaeological Research in Tibet | high-grade tombs in the Tubo period provide new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet
The results of Archaeological Research in Tibet | high-grade tombs in the Tubo period provide new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet

Bai Juyi said that "round beards have no sideburns, and the oblique red does not faint ochre-like", depicting the female makeup custom of Chang'an popular ochre finishes. What surprises archaeologists even more is that the "ochre" figure was found on the excavated pottery fragments, and the Appearance of Tubo "Ochre Noodles" on the pottery is the first time in the archaeology of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The results of Archaeological Research in Tibet | high-grade tombs in the Tubo period provide new materials for understanding the cultural exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet

The cultural relics excavated from the Tomb of Xiong Tubo show that the relationship between the Tubo culture and the Tang culture of the Central Plains at that time was very close, providing new historical materials for the study of the archaeological and cultural features of the Tubo period and the cultural exchanges between Tang and Bo.

Source: CCTV

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