
How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

Now there are many mythical dramas about the War of Resistance, in which many soldiers can kill a bunch of devils with their bare hands, and even machine guns can shoot down Japanese fighters. Many people said that if the Japanese soldiers had fought so easily, it is estimated that World War II would have ended long ago. In fact, real Japanese soldiers are difficult to fight, even if they are well-equipped and well-trained American soldiers, killing a Japanese soldier requires the cost of 5 American soldiers.

How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they withdrew many elite troops and went to the Southeast Asia Battlefield, occupying the Philippines all the way in Southeast Asia. Many of the U.S. military and The Australian Expeditionary Force were captured, and even General MacArthur, who was in the Philippines at the time, fled to Australia in a hurry. In his speech to his subordinate officers, he commented: The Japanese soldiers are stronger than the German soldiers, which shows the strength of the Japanese soldiers.

How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

In the war, although these Japanese soldiers were not advanced in weapons, they had a strong individual quality and tacit understanding. And the most important thing is that the death battle does not retreat, very tenacious, even if the ammunition is exhausted, it will fight with you bayonets and carry out white-knife battles. This is a completely different concept in the European and American armies of "fighting if you win, and surrendering if you can't win", so the Japanese soldiers will win victories one after another and win again and again.

How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

After the philippine defeat, the Japanese advanced further to the island of New Guinea, approaching Australia, and Port Moresby in New Guinea, which was the throat of control of the South Pacific, so MacArthur wrote to the United States that it must be taken first. And claimed that "the price is that for every Japanese devil, I have to sacrifice at least 5 American soldiers." One Japanese soldier needed the lives of 5 American soldiers, which was worse than in the Asian theater.

How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

So what is the actual situation? We use actual combat examples to illustrate that in Buna, the American casualties were 4387, while the Japanese were less than 2000; in the Battle of Gona, the American casualties were 7500, while the Japanese were only about 3000. It can be seen from this that at least two American soldiers can kill one Japanese soldier. It was already much better than MacArthur had anticipated.

How hard are the Japanese soldiers to fight? Kill one to get 5 U.S. troop pads! MacArthur tells you the truth

Moreover, there is still a considerable proportion of non-combat attrition in the US army, and the US army belongs to the offensive side, and from the perspective of ancient Chinese military, killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred is also a proper explanation. Therefore, the strength of the Japanese soldiers is definitely not in the divine drama, you can kill a bunch of them with bare hands, even if the American soldiers are well-equipped, and the people are tall and well-trained, but they are also very afraid in front of the Japanese soldiers.

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