
Japan wants to redeem a saber for a million, but our country resolutely refuses to sell it, only because the 9 words on the knife are too eye-catching

In the modern history of our country, the japanese invasion has caused great losses, and this history is also Chinese lingering pain. Countless Sons and Daughters of China left home and went to the battlefield, fighting with flesh and blood and devils, and finally under the heroic struggle of the people of the whole country, the Japanese devils were driven back to their hometowns. Our country was finally victorious, but it cost 35 million sacrifices, and in 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced his unconditional surrender, and World War II ended.

Japan wants to redeem a saber for a million, but our country resolutely refuses to sell it, only because the 9 words on the knife are too eye-catching

The Japanese prisoners in our country handed over all their weapons and equipment, as well as all their sabers, and after our country underwent reform, they were sent back to China one after another. However, many Japanese officers were reluctant to hand over their sabers, which represented their identities in Japan, and the Japanese who believed in Bushido were unwilling to accept defeat and wanted to continue fighting, so their sabers were unwilling to hand over.

Japan wants to redeem a saber for a million, but our country resolutely refuses to sell it, only because the 9 words on the knife are too eye-catching

Our country did not embarrass the Japanese prisoners of war out of humanitarianism, and after our country had carried out reform, they were sent back to Japan. At that time, there was a Japanese officer who wanted to return his saber, but our country refused, so he wanted to redeem a saber for a million. At that time, China resolutely did not sell, only because the 9 characters engraved on the knife were too eye-catching, and the original knife was engraved with "Nanjing killed 107 people in the Battle of Nanjing", such physical evidence of invasion of China, China naturally will not sell.

Japan wants to redeem a saber for a million, but our country resolutely refuses to sell it, only because the 9 words on the knife are too eye-catching

This knife is now in the museum of our country, such evidence is the best warning to future generations, even if the Japanese pay a high price, our country will not sell. Now that the war has ended for 70 years, Japan has not acknowledged its crimes and tampered with textbooks, which is unacceptable. Compared with germany's surrender, it is even more shameless to apologize for the war.

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