
The "three-level linkage" of the Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau sends warmth to the veterans

author:Beiqing hot spot

"Majestic and exuberant across the Yalu River..." The loud singing and earnest singing sounded in the courtyard of the Shuishui family in Pingfang Township, Chaoyang District, adding warmth and joy to this cold winter day, and arousing everyone's respect for the tremendous sacrifices and dedication made by the revolutionary ancestors for the country and the nation during the war-torn years.

The "three-level linkage" of the Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau sends warmth to the veterans

Although the 88-year-old veteran of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is incapacitated and unconscious, he still clearly remembers the songs of the past War of Resistance, stubbornly insists on singing three songs to the comrades who are sympathetic, and expresses his gratitude to the party and the government with very serious and sincere songs.

The weather is cold and warm, and the care is earnest. On December 27, 2021, the Beijing Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau actively played the "three-level linkage" mechanism of districts, streets (regions) and cooperatives, and cooperated with the party committee of Junti Group to come to the streets and townships to "send warmth and love" and visit the objects of condolences and preferential care. Cui Songqing, secretary of the leading party group of the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Chaoyang District, Beijing Municipality; Zhan Jingxian, member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs; He Yun, chief of the Section of Preferential Care for the Army; Zhang Cheng, chairman of the Junti Enterprise Management Group; Chen Yuanming, secretary of the party leading group; accompanied by Wang Yiyi, deputy director of the Jianwai Subdistrict Office, visited and paid respects to Li Qingming, a disabled soldier of the tenth grade who was in the line of duty; accompanied by Li Wei, director of the Balizhuang Subdistrict Office, and Zhang Julin, deputy director of the Balizhuang Subdistrict Office, paid a condolence visit to Xu Guizhuo, a disabled soldier of the fourth grade who was disabled in the war; and Yuan Yuzhong, director of the Sanfang District Office. Accompanied by Deputy Director Gong Juming, he visited and comforted Wang Jiayin, a disabled soldier of the seventh grade who was in the line of duty; accompanied by Liu Jian, deputy director of the Pingfang Township Regional Office, he visited and comforted Yu Shui, a demobilized soldier in the township.

Everywhere they went, Secretary Cui Songqing, Deputy Director Zhan Jingxian and Chairman Zhang Cheng and other leaders sent condolences to the preferential care recipients, and expressed their deep respect and strong concern to them on behalf of the government and enterprises. The care of the organization and the care of the enterprise have touched the veterans and kept expressing their gratitude to the party and the government and the loving enterprises.

During the condolences, Cui Songqing, Zhan Jingxian, and their entourage inquired with concern about the daily life, physical condition, and family situation of the recipients of preferential care, expressed gratitude for their contributions to the country and society, and urged the veteran comrades to take good care of their health at ordinary times, and the party and the people will not forget the contributions made by the veterans to the motherland. At the same time, he urged the leaders of the territories and the comrades accompanying them to pay more attention to and pay more attention to the living and physical conditions of the preferential care targets, conscientiously implement various preferential care policies, effectively protect their legitimate rights and interests, actively help them solve practical difficulties and problems, and let the preferential care recipients have a sense of happiness, a sense of gain and respect, and enjoy the fruits of development.

Some of them participated in the War of Liberation and some of them participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and they were injured in the war, and they made contributions to the founding of New China and the consolidation of the new political power, and made outstanding military achievements. Now that they have entered old age, caring for these old comrades who have contributed to the republic is the unshirkable responsibility of the Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau.

The Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau has always kept in mind its original mission, put the work of advocating heroes, caring for and caring for the objects of preferential care, and making "military personnel become a respected profession in the whole society", actively uniting the territory, constantly trying to call on more private enterprises and social groups to participate in the work of caring for veterans and caring for and caring for the objects of care and double support, and striving to create a strong atmosphere of support for the whole society to respect the heroes and care for the objects of care and care. In the next step, the Chaoyang District Veterans Affairs Bureau will carry out condolence activities in the Spring Festival, and at the same time carry out pilots in three different streets and townships, hold the "Thousand Enterprises and Ten Thousand Stores" support action, comprehensively promote the implementation of the "Eight Consecutive Championships" implementation plan for the model city of double support in Chaoyang District, and show the Chaoyang style for creating a district with double support and creating the first good district.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Li Zewei Correspondent Lv Conghui

Editor/Tan Weiping

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