
Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

author:Purple Orchid Garden

Hubei is known as the "land of fish and rice", and there are many natural fish. In recent years, it has become popular in many places in Hubei to make yellow fish tomato hot pot. Yellow fish tomatoes eat that is tonic body fat, is a very delicious and nutritious dish, especially in the autumn and winter cold season, you can drink a bowl of yellow fish tomato soup, both warm body and enjoy the delicious. So, is the yellow croaker soup you make delicious?

To make a delicious pot of yellow croaker soup, you must do three steps.

Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

The first step is to choose the fish. In the market to choose the yellow fish do not choose the big, it is best to choose about three or two yellow fish, do not choose too small, too little to kill the broken belly, take out the dirty things in the stomach after almost nothing. Don't choose more than half a pound of yellow croaker. On the one hand, yellow fish do not grow large, beware of more than half a kilogram of yellow fish is a fake yellow fish dyed by traders, even if it is really more than half a kilogram of yellow fish, but there is no yellow fish aroma of about three or two. After buying yellow fish, it is best to go home and make soup and then kill it, so that the yellow fish soup is fresh to drink.

Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

The second step is to choose the tomatoes. Pick small, round, ripe tomatoes. When you get home, blanch the tomatoes in boiling water, then cut them into slices and set aside in a container.

Step 3. Choose a good seasoning. According to the amount of yellow fish and tomato hot pot made, equipped with green onions, ginger, garlic, green onions, ginger, garlic should be cut into small pieces, as well as monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, chicken essence, oyster sauce, salt and so on.

Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

Step 4. Put the hot pot on the stove and turn on the fire, put an appropriate amount of cold water in the hot pot, and after boiling, throw the slaughtered and washed yellow fish into the pot. For a family of three, it is enough to have 6 yellow croakers of about three or two, and then boil over low heat, and after the yellow croaker is cooked, then put the cut tomatoes into the hot pot, and three tomatoes are enough. After the tomatoes are cooked, add the appropriate amount of oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, chicken essence, salt, and green onions, ginger, garlic grains, and cook for a few minutes, see the hot pot soup becomes a thick tomato stain, you can turn off the heat and enjoy the delicious.

Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

The authentic taste of yellow fish tomato hot pot is the freshness, tenderness and aroma of yellow fish with the sweetness and slight acidity of tomatoes, coupled with the assistance of spices, whether it is eating yellow fish or drinking the soup in the hot pot, it is a tender and slightly fragrant, sweet and sour taste, in the cold weather of autumn and winter, drink a bowl of yellow fish tomato soup, it is really comfortable.

Hubei fish more, autumn and winter yellow fish tomato soup is not good to drink, the key to master the three points, will you do it

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