
Platform Sharing article

author:Passion Fruit I8

"New Year's Day" the first word of the homecoming, when the eighth festival of Lapa arrived, it began to take a holiday, the students have basically played snow in the village, a foot of thick snow, building snowmen, snowball fights, using Grandma's flower cotton jacket to dress the snowman, the snowman's mouth inserted in the old dry smoke left by Grandpa, and my crossed canvas bag, and Dad's cotton hat, there are five-pointed stars on it, the family's peppers are used to make a nose for the snowman, sweet potatoes to make a mouth, and the eyes are pressed into it with eggplant, which is called vivid and vivid. Afterwards, it is inevitable to have a quarrel, (adults in the waxing moon are generally not allowed to hit children, so do not play gold medals... )。 There is also snow plowing, the snow on the roof is particularly thick, we have a fun activity before snow plowing, catch sparrows, sweep out a small area on the roof, sprinkle corn kernels, wheat kernels, hold a round sieve for sieving grain, the bottom stick, tie the rope, and then crawl far under the roof can be seen, waiting for the sparrow to enter the encirclement, a pull, there is left to catch the sparrow, sometimes you can catch a dozen, catch the sparrow, that is, the most high-end ingredients are cooked in the most primitive way. Along with this high-end ingredient, there are baked sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, etc., eating small mouths, using the residual temperature of the fire, making a small bed, corn kernels, soybeans put in, stirring with a small wooden stick, similar to stir-frying, so out of the popcorn, fried soybeans, out of the big guys rush to eat, occasionally, because of this fight, you smash my glass, I kick your door, that is a common thing. At that time, it was such a pleasure, after eating the mouth is black and not slippery autumn, this day is over, go back to take advantage of the snow water to burn a basin, hot feet, it is said that the feet are not frozen. Grandma had already started sewing the folds, because we would have to use it in a hurry, and we little children, waiting for their fathers to finish their drinks and eat the meat and vegetables left over from the table, a bowl of corn paste, and gobble it up. The belly was bulging, round and like a leather ball, Grandpa would pat his stomach, oops. The eldest grandson, the watermelon is not ripe, listening to the sound of the matter, well, the watermelon is ripe,......

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