
How old is your baby to learn to use chopsticks? It's not good to be earlier or later than this time

Chopsticks have been the most unique tableware in our Asian country since ancient times. China, on the other hand, has taken the use of this tableware to the extreme. Although Chinese and Western cultures are now integrated, many children prefer Western food. However, the use of chopsticks seems to be a habit in the bones.

How old is your baby to learn to use chopsticks? It's not good to be earlier or later than this time

For chopsticks that have not been able to be used smoothly in Europe and the United States, our country's babies will use them very early. However, there are still many precautions for mothers to learn about the process of learning to use chopsticks for babies. Today, I will tell you about the things that babies learn to use chopsticks.

First of all, mothers should understand, how old can the baby start to learn to use chopsticks?

According to the physical development of Chinese babies and the development of diet, generally when the baby reaches the age of 3, he can start to learn to use chopsticks. When the baby is less than three years old, the control and coordination of the hand part are not very good, so it will be more difficult to use, the use experience is relatively poor, and it is easy for the baby to resist the chopsticks. Babies over three years old are already entering kindergarten, and if they don't use chopsticks, they will encounter great difficulties when eating. Therefore, mothers must gradually let the baby learn to use chopsticks after the baby is three years old. Too early or too late is not appropriate.

How old is your baby to learn to use chopsticks? It's not good to be earlier or later than this time

In the process of learning to use chopsticks, what things should the mother pay attention to?

First, we must follow the principle of step-by-step and let the baby learn slowly

Some parents feel that when their children reach an old age, it is time to use chopsticks to eat. But when the baby first started using it, he couldn't hold it at all. At this time, some parents are prone to become impatient, thinking that such a simple thing the baby can not learn. This is a completely wrong idea. Babies are young and their ability to control their own bodies is not perfect enough, so it is more difficult to use. Parents must be very patient, step by step, so that the baby learns to use chopsticks little by little. In this way, it is really helpful for the baby to learn to use chopsticks.

How old is your baby to learn to use chopsticks? It's not good to be earlier or later than this time

Second, be sure to let the baby use a pair of chopsticks that are most suitable for themselves

There are also many kinds of chopsticks, some suitable for adults, some suitable for babies. What parents have to do is to choose a pair of chopsticks that are most suitable for babies. For example, some chopsticks parents feel that the texture is very good, it looks very classy, but the material of the chopsticks is relatively smooth, then this pair of chopsticks is not suitable for babies. Parents must choose a chopstick that is easy for the baby to hold and is easier to use according to the baby's own needs and abilities. This way, your baby can quickly find a way to use chopsticks.

It is recommended that parents can choose some children's chopsticks for their babies at the beginning. On this kind of children's chopsticks, there will be some special auxiliary design to help the baby hold the chopsticks, and also help the baby to better find the correct focus point for using chopsticks.

Third, parents can not force the baby to learn to use chopsticks

Because babies are used to using spoons or forks, the use of chopsticks is also more difficult. Therefore, many babies are very reluctant when they first learn to use chopsticks. They are even willing to eat with their hands and do not want to use chopsticks. At this time, parents must not force the baby to use chopsticks, and should guide the baby's thoughts so that the baby can fully accept the use of chopsticks. This way, your baby can learn how to use chopsticks faster.

As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher for babies. If parents can make the baby interested in using chopsticks, then there is no need to worry about the baby not using chopsticks.

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