
Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

If there are no eggs in life, perhaps there will not be much food in this world.

As a common food, eggs are particularly rich in high-quality protein. Every 100 grams of eggs contain 12.58 grams of protein, and it is easily absorbed by the body, with an absorption rate of 98%.

In addition, it also contains more iron, vitamins, lecithin, lutein and other nutrients. Eating some eggs properly every day has a very important health care effect on human health.

But sometimes, some troublesome guys always talk about eggs, and they can also fabricate all kinds of nonsense.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

On average, he eats 4 eggs a day, and the gallbladder of Hubei men is full of stones

Recently, according to media reports: Mr. Wang of Hanchuan, Hubei Province, is 46 years old this year, because of his work, he usually eats a lot of eggs, sometimes 4 a day, sometimes 6-7, and drinks less water.

Due to the irregular work and rest and less water, as early as two years ago, Mr. Wang was diagnosed with gallbladder stones.

In order to protect the gall, he "endured the pain" for 2 years, and recently could not bear to go to the doctor, and finally the doctor underwent surgery, the hundreds of densely packed stones were taken out, and the gallbladder was successfully saved.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

Eating more eggs, will it really cause stones?

In fact, this news has some "hard button" hats.

As a digestive organ, the gallbladder itself is most afraid that you do not eat well, do not eat breakfast, eat irregularly, and eat a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet, which will cause cholecystitis and gallbladder stones.

The main reason for mr. Wang's gallbladder stones in this news is that he drinks less water, poor work and rest, and what is the relationship with eggs, and people are just mediocre high-quality protein providers.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

Eggs, how to eat more nutritious?

There are many ways to eat eggs, and how to eat the most nutritious should be decided according to the actual situation of the individual.

For example, for healthy people, the most nutritious way to eat eggs is boiled eggs.

The human body has 98% of the nutrient absorption and digestibility in boiled eggs, and it is also a good choice to eat some steamed eggs or egg soup.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

Native eggs, ordinary eggs which are more nutritious?

Most people believe that the nutrient content of native eggs is many times higher than that of ordinary eggs, which is not rigorous.

The nutrients contained in eggs and ordinary eggs are almost the same, the only difference is that the taste of eggs is better, the carotene contains slightly higher, but the nutrients such as folic acid contain less than ordinary eggs.

Therefore, the nutritional value of these two types of eggs to human health is almost no different.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

Can people with chronic vascular disease eat egg yolks?

For people with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases, they dare not eat egg yolks, believing that eating egg yolks has no health benefits, and this statement is not rigorous.

Egg yolks do contain a certain amount of cholesterol, but egg yolks also contain more lecithin.

This component will make the fat and cholesterol particles in the blood vessels smaller, and can promote these lipid components to be excreted outside the blood vessels, which has the effect of helping to lower cholesterol.

When suffering from some chronic vascular diseases, you can still eat egg yolks, as long as you control the amount of food you eat.

Eat 4 eggs a day, but eat gallstones? This news is really too casual "buckle hat"

Eggs, how many eggs in a day is the most appropriate?

Many people want to know how many eggs to eat in a day, and those who have read the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents are even more entangled.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016, do not eat more than 7 eggs per week when other foods, such as milk, meat, and fish and shrimp, can be ingested normally.

However, it should be noted that the premise here mainly means that milk, meat, fish and shrimp are eaten enough.

If you only eat 1 or more eggs a day, it will not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so on.

All in all, eggs are a relatively inexpensive but nutrient-rich food.

If you rarely eat milk, meat or fish and shrimp, or are working out and need to supplement protein, in fact, it does not matter if you eat a few more eggs.

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