
Android scramble? OnePlus 10Pro custom X-axis linear motor

OnePlus mobile phone officially announced that the OnePlus 10 Pro will debut a custom X-axis linear motor, and said that this motor will be "the light of the Android camp motor".

Android scramble? OnePlus 10Pro custom X-axis linear motor

According to the official poster introduction, the custom motor of one plus 10 Pro has a top-level super large volume in the Android camp, with a 47% increase in vibration and a 100% increase in sensitivity, and more than 130 new vibration effects and vibration effects on the basis of the original, and the current total vibration effect has reached 170+.

According to the news revealed by Zhou Bingxun, the product manager of OnePlus Mobile Phone, the volume of this motor is about 90% equal to the "huge" motor on the iPhone 12 Pro Max, and it has been adjusted from the traditional electric drive to the electromagnetic force drive, "which should be the most capable motor at present." ”


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