
Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

On January 9th, the "Kashgar is a Good Place" sponsored by the Central Digital Television Calligraphy and Painting Channel, Shandong, Shanghai, Guangdong and Shenzhen provinces and cities to support Xinjiang's work forward command, and the Propaganda Department of the Kashgar Prefectural Party Committee, and undertaken by the Kashgar Regional Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, was grandly opened at the Kashgar Regional Museum. Ma Jian, deputy secretary of the prefectural party committee, director of the United Front Work Department, and secretary of the Education Working Committee, attended and announced the launch of the "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters", and Wang Ping, chairman of the board of directors of the Central Digital Television Calligraphy and Painting Channel, Xu Li, vice chairman of the China Artists Association, and Chen Xuguang, member of the prefectural party committee and director of the Propaganda Department, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Chen Xuguang pointed out in his speech that shortly after the conclusion of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association, the Central Digital Television Calligraphy and Painting Channel conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony, and led well-known calligraphy and painting artists throughout the country to come to Kashgar to hold "Kashgar is a Good Place Calligraphy and Painting Channel Into Ten Thousand Homes -- Entering a Large-scale Television Series of Cultural Activities in Kashgar, Xinjiang." This is of great significance for implementing the "Cultural Run Xinjiang" project, carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture, and promoting the great prosperity and development of Kashgar culture. It is hoped that through a series of activities and the exquisite works of calligraphy and painting artists, we will fully publicize and display the traditional Chinese culture and Kashgar characteristic culture, create new highlights of Kashgar culture and art, send a rich cultural and artistic feast to the people of Kashgar, use calligraphy and painting art to promote the development of Kashgar's cultural tourism industry, and praise Kashgar's new style in the new era.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

In his speech, Wang Ping said that the high-level calligraphy and painting art exhibition held by the Calligraphy and Painting Channel in Kashgar, the western border of the motherland, is a concrete embodiment of the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association. In accordance with the spirit of the speech, we went deep into the frontiers, used culture to moisten the masses of all nationalities in Kashgar, and aimed our lenses at the masses of all nationalities in Kashgar to reflect their happy lives and promote the prosperity and development of Kashgar culture.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Xu Li pointed out that so many famous calligraphers and painters came to Kashgar with a passion, a passion, and a family affection, to feel the changes in Kashgar over the years, to feel the folk customs of Kashgar, that is, to take the people as the center, go deep into life, and go to the grassroots level to praise our great era. Kashgar, a hot land, is very suitable for artists to create, and I hope that all calligraphers and painters will present the vigorous development of Kashgar, the beautiful and happy life of the people of all ethnic groups in Kashgar, and the scene of harmonious, stable, prosperous and developing Kashgar in different forms, dig out the "good" word that Kashgar is a good place, and tell the story of Kashgar and the story of China well.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Bao Junyi, advisor to the Chinese Calligraphers Association and chairman of the Guizhou Calligraphers Association, said on behalf of the calligraphy and painting artists that Kashgar is now full of sunshine and vitality. As a literary and art worker, and many calligraphy and painting artists come to this beautiful place in Kashgar, we must conscientiously practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, draw nourishment from the people, and use our own pen and ink to depict the beautiful life of the people of all ethnic groups and the good country of the motherland.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

After the opening ceremony, the participants visited the exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and painting masters. The artists also visited the Kashgar New Era Civilization Practice Center and the Centennial Kashgar Pavilion.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Li Yanlong, a citizen of Kashgar: In this exhibition, many masterpieces of famous artists have been exhibited, and I have learned a lot in their works, and in the remaining few days of the exhibition, I will plunge into this exhibition and study them carefully and carefully.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Xu Li, vice chairman of the China Artists Association: Through this exchange and study, we can further understand the spiritual outlook, spiritual and cultural needs of the Kashgar people, and tell the story of Kashgar well.

Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

Zhang Bin, deputy commissioner of the Kashgar Regional Administration and deputy commander-in-chief of the Shanghai Municipal Forward Command for Supporting Xinjiang, Xue Taotao, deputy secretary general of the Kashgar Prefectural Committee and deputy commander of the Shenzhen Municipal Forward Command for Supporting Xinjiang, and Luo Haobo, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Kashgar University, attended the event.

(Kashgar all-media reporter Lu Youwen, Aiskel, Zhang Hongling, Kashgar Rong Media Center, Zhou Xiaobing, reporting)

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Video丨The "Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" was grandly opened in Kashgar

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