
When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

We've been through a lot in 2021

There are a lot of touching moments

There are also a lot of unforgettable pictures

Every time touched

All become a beam of light on our way forward

When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

Wang Jiamin Chinese painting "Spring Warmth"

In Shangluo

There is such a painter

This affection will be between people

In the dialect of the homeland

Write a song

He is Wang Jiamin

During the pandemic

He planned and organized young teachers and students

Created a mv "My Big My Mom"

Get attention

When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

Talk about the original intention of the lyrics

Mr. Wang Jiamin told reporters:

"This is the result of my long-term thinking, for a long time I have been thinking that Qin culture and Shangluo culture are very representative, how should this regional culture be disseminated?" This has to start from the lyrics of the name 'my big my mother', after years of understanding, calling dad 'big' and 'big' is the consistent title of our Shangluo people, and the title of 'mother' does not change much. We should establish our own cultural self-confidence and our own local characteristics, and the traditional culture of our hometown cannot be lost.

During the lockdown of the epidemic in Xi'an, I saw a lot of things related to this. Children call their parents, students care and greet teachers, neighbors help each other, medical staff work overtime to conduct nucleic acid tests for the masses... In the midst of difficulties, the mutual love and affection between people gave me the opportunity to create. Culture is the foundation of all artistic creation, creation also comes from life, we must create things that are in line with the times and emotions to express our hearts. ”

When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

Wang Jiamin Oil painting "Moon Melting"

After the lyrics were issued, they attracted the attention of many friends in their hometown

During the production of the short film

Some difficulties were also encountered

According to Mr. Wang Jiamin

Many scenes are accumulated in ordinary times

Because of the pandemic

Screen production, exchange of ideas with choreographers, etc

It's all through mobile phone communication

Several people worked overtime

It took a few days and nights to make it

After the MV was released

Many people were moved to tears after watching it

When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

Chinese painting "Water Chestnut Dish" Wang Jiamin Wang Fangyuan cooperated

Talk about creation

Mr. Wong Ka Man said:

"I'm 70 years old

My parents have passed away

But the 'parents' in our hearts are always there

The whole father and fellow countrymen

The whole elderly group is our parents

Current Chinese society

Facing an increasing degree of ageing

In the future

All young people are 'sons and daughters' of the elderly

Young people face the elderly

It's your own 'mom and big'

We should care about each other

According to the context during the epidemic

I want to put this feeling and affection of people

Write it in the dialect of your hometown and the characteristics of the region

Let more people will

'Old and old and old, young and young'

This traditional Chinese virtue is inherited and carried forward. ”

When the painter began to write songs, his original MV "My Big My Mother" brought tears to people's eyes

Chinese painting "Golden String" Wang Jiamin Wang Fangyuan cooperated

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