
Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes

author:Taifeng Culture

About the Artist

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes

Wang Lei, whose name is Modi, was born in Shanxi. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association and the Chinese Gongbi Painting Society. In 2013, he went to Beijing to study under Wang Zhenzhong, Sun Jikang, Miao Chongan, Wang Cheng, Wang Yushan, Zhu Honghui and other famous masters. From 2013 to 2015, he studied at Wang Cheng Studio of the Painting Institute of Chinese University; From 2015 to 2017, he studied at Miao Chong'an Studio of the Painting School of Chinese University; From 2017 to 2023, he served as the executive tutor of the Chinese Painting Workshop of the Academy of Painting of Chinese University.


In 2016, "Liuli Lakeside" was selected for the 2nd National Art Biennale of "Building Dreams with One Heart" and was qualified for membership

In 2016, "Half of the Moon" was selected as one of the "Silk Road. "Hanmo Tongwei" The First Chinese Painting Oil Painting Exhibition

2017 "Waiting. "Flowers Bloom in Half Summer" was selected as "Chasing Dreams. Weihaiwei "2016 National Chinese Painting Exhibition

In 2017, "Set Sail" was selected for the 2017 National Chinese Painting Exhibition of "Hanmo Qingzhou".

"The Sea, My Hometown" was selected for the National Chinese Painting Exhibition of "The Gateway of the River and the Sea to the World".

"Flowering Like a Dream" was selected for the "Light of Southern Guangdong" National Chinese Painting Exhibition and was qualified for membership

Write about the realm of mountains and rivers full of life

In his paintings, we can see his profound understanding of natural beauty and respect for traditional culture, as well as the spiritual pursuit and aesthetic taste of Chinese landscape painting.

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes


Mountains and rivers are not only a portrayal of the natural world, but also a reflection of the soul. Wang Lei explores the harmonious coexistence between man and nature through the depiction of landscapes, often expressing a kind of reverence for nature and philosophical reflections on life. His paintings are representations of natural landscapes, as well as a broader cosmology and attitude towards life.

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes


In terms of brushwork, Wang Lei is good at using changeable ink colors and flexible brushwork, perfectly combining the change of ink color with the fluidity of ink to create a visual effect with both traditional charm and modern feeling, giving his works a moving sense of beauty and strong visual impact.

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes

"The Mountains Have Love" 220X165cm

Wang Lei's landscape works are not only the inheritance and development of the essence of traditional Chinese landscape painting, but also an innovative expression of modern aesthetics and humanistic thinking. He presents us with artistic pictures full of philosophical and aesthetic sense, so that people can experience the unique charm and cultural connotation of Chinese landscape painting in the enjoyment of beauty.

Painting appreciation

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes

"Run, Kids", 209X169cm

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes


Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes

Leave the Past in the Wind, 229X179cm

Taifeng Culture, Chinese Painting Master丨Wang Lei: Writing the realm of vibrant landscapes


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