
The three most ferocious bandits in the Republic of China are human beings but have no humanity, and none of them have a good ending

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, China has since entered the chaotic pattern of beiyang warlords, there are not a few people who support military self-reliance everywhere, and the vacuum period of power has displaced the people, which in turn has spawned many bandits who kill people and cross the border. Today, we will count three of the most famous and frightening shameless people for you.

The three most ferocious bandits in the Republic of China are human beings but have no humanity, and none of them have a good ending

The first, Xie Wendong. Xie Wendong is a capricious person, especially like Lü Fengxian, a three-surnamed family slave in the Three Kingdoms period, although brave and invincible, he has no backbone. Born in 1887 in Yongdian Village, Kuandian County, Liaoning Province, he led a group of people to gang up and engage in the business of robbing homes and kidnapping and extortion. Since then, he has become a local hegemon, but the arrival of the Japanese has disrupted his plans.

Although Xie Wendong was a farmer in his early years, he stood up at the time of national disaster. When the Japanese invaded his homeland, he led his hometown soldiers to rise up and fight a battle with the Japanese invaders that spread in all directions, known as the Tulongshan Peasant Rebellion. His brave performance, leading his disciples to kill more than 20 people such as the Japanese army's Ōsa Iizuka Asahi, such a feat is enough to bear the number one figure in the modern history of Northeast China. Such a hero unexpectedly destroyed the city wall, Xie Wendong was deep in the hinterland of the enemy-occupied area during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and under the difficult situation, he chose to submit, turned his back on the motherland and the people, and defected to the Japanese. In the end, Xie Wendong was captured and sentenced to be shot.

The three most ferocious bandits in the Republic of China are human beings but have no humanity, and none of them have a good ending

Second place, Zhang Leshan. This name is somewhat common, and everyone is probably not very familiar with it, but his nickname is very loud - a mountain carving. This man went to the northeast with his cousin to cut wood for wood, and later he found that the life of an honest man was not as comfortable as that of a bandit, so he joined the bandits. Zhang Leshan was originally a no-name pawn, but because of his three kung fu skills, he became the leader. Which three are the best? First, the marksmanship is absolute: but whoever ejects out of the chamber must be a hundred shots; not only that, his eyes are also a must, walking at night without torches, just with his eyes, he can recognize all the characters; the three musts, on his legs, a pair of scud legs, over the mountains and mountains as if walking on the ground.

This guy was also a well-known bandit in the northeast, but unfortunately, he also defected to the Japanese, and when the War of Resistance Against Japan ended, he eventually fell ill and died in his cell.

The three most ferocious bandits in the Republic of China are human beings but have no humanity, and none of them have a good ending

Third place, Xiao Jiabi. The first two people were in the northeast, but this person was in the south, in the jinggangshan area of Jiangxi's old revolutionary area. As early as the 1920s, he was a Suichuan Kazuba, and he served in local defense regiments and other positions.

Xiao Jiabi was invincible, and he carried out a reign of terror in Jinggangshan, and the slogan he also put forward was, "Stones must pass through knives, thatched toilets must overheat, and people must change seeds." It made the Jinggang mountain chicken dog restless, the people did not talk about life, and the bones were piled up. Twenty years later, Xiao Jiabi was captured alive, accepted the people's trial, and announced that he was shot directly.

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