
Say goodbye to flash crash 12th generation Core game compatibility issue solved

Previously, the 12th generation of Core encountered the problem of game crashes, mainly in PC games encrypted with the old version of Denuvo DRM, including Assassin's Creed: The Temple of Heroes, Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Samurai Order, etc., because this set of DRM identified the E core (small core) as another independent operating system, which triggered the protection mechanism, causing the game to fail to run or suddenly flash out during operation.

Say goodbye to flash crash 12th generation Core game compatibility issue solved

Intel has worked with Microsoft, motherboard manufacturers, etc. to quickly repair, and on January 7, the company confirmed that the games that had previously identified compatibility problems had been cleared, that is, it was declared completely solved.

According to Intel's advice, users are best to ensure that the latest version of Windows 10 or Windows 11 is installed, and that the BIOS and game patches are updated in a timely manner.


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