
Ride-hailing platform Uber has abandoned the Apple Watch watch client

As an Apple Watch service application that was once officially promoted by Apple, the online ride-hailing platform Uber has just abandoned support for the watch client. Even if the App Store has not yet been removed from the shelves, if you open the Uber client from the Apple Watch, the screen will only say "Please switch to the (iPhone/iPad) mobile app, we no longer support the relevant features on the Apple Watch." We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

Ride-hailing platform Uber has abandoned the Apple Watch watch client

(Photo viaMacRumors)

It is reported that since December 8, 2021, the Uber application on the Apple Watch side has been unavailable. But not only has the company not taken down from the App Store, but it hasn't provided follow-up updates on the official website support page.

Ride-hailing platform Uber has abandoned the Apple Watch watch client

(Screenshot viaUber Support)


Uber has been contacted for more information, but has not received an official response. Many have speculated that the company may abandon continued support for the Apple Watch app client on the grounds that "usage is too low."

Ride-hailing platform Uber has abandoned the Apple Watch watch client

App Store

The screenshot shows the basic functionality of the Uber watch client

Chris Welch said that although he installed Uber on the Apple Watch early on, he has not tried to call a ride through a wrist app in real life.

Ride-hailing platform Uber has abandoned the Apple Watch watch client

The Uber wrist client that has been officially recommended by Apple

Uber stopped supporting the WearOS platform more than two years ago, so we're not surprised. At the same time, its competitor Lyft also abandoned the watch client as early as 2018.

Obviously, the mismatch between the device form factor and the experience is a major reason why major services abandon the Apple Watch client.

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