
The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

Welcome to the 2021 Awards Ceremony of the Academy of Vehicles, which has five awards: the most Chinese characteristic first-class model, the most animal protection spirit model, the best desert companion model, the most sporty model, and the most shocking design model. Let's demystify these models together!

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Chip shortages, declining sales and shrinking budgets have made 2021 extremely difficult for Automakers. As an automotive media that everyone in the automotive circle knows, we held this 2021 annual award ceremony with the original intention of encouraging car companies!

The most Chinese characteristics of the first model - AichIo

As a Chinese media, our first award must be awarded to models that have made outstanding contributions to the Chinese market! Its family has nurtured our initial understanding of luxury cars, and today it has won widespread praise for its more radical localization.

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

The removal of the flashy back design of capitalism, coupled with the ancestral skin-pulling craft, is that it has stepped out of the characteristic road of the coupe! In order to focus more on domestic models, it canceled the imported models of the same displacement before the release of the 3.0T model, and this wave of operations can be described as a combination of inside and outside! The price of more than 600,000 yuan has also successfully maintained the noble status of this series, the most Chinese characteristic luxury car award, it is well deserved!

The most animal protection spirit car - by you K

In today's increasingly harsh natural environment, there are countless models that claim to be environmentally friendly, but there has never been a car that has made outstanding contributions to wildlife conservation. Until its appearance, it brings us new hope!

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

Under the guidance of environmentally friendly research and development ideas, it has the self-destruction function of protecting animals, and such a large number of animal protection measures have made the large factories that reject the leather feel ashamed of themselves. What the? You say there are no elk in China? We believe that with the promotion of this technology, the migration of European elk to China will be just around the corner!

Best Desert Companion Model - Qi Jun

Protect the environment close to nature, driving in the desert is fun! As the star model of the compact family SUV, it has ushered in a new generation in the anticipation of everyone, which is a rebirth!

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

Transforming the tough guy, he realized the function of body vibration and de-trapping by optimizing the engine structure, and the vibration frequency was faster than that of a large factory, so that it had a stronger ability to get out of trouble. In the end, he won the favor of well-known media teachers in the car circle and personally testified for it. The Best Partner of the Desert Award, he is the only one!

The most sporty model - Shadow Treasure

This media teacher also nominated another blockbuster model for this award ceremony. His authoritative evaluation makes the attribution of this award suspenseful.

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

Although the strength is not dominant, it cleverly improves itself from the spiritual level and makes people call out to the insider! In addition to his terrifying acceleration ability to rely on a powerful engine, the newly developed black technology "happy watch" is also indispensable. If the company can use such a "happy watch", it will definitely reduce those cruel squeezing! It is what it tells us that the sporty spirit is never to give up! Even if the strength is not enough, we must make a hard effort!

The most shocking design model - several dragons & dreams

Today's last award will surely shock everyone here.

The annual awards ceremony of the car circle | the awards are over, and immediately run away

It must be hard to imagine that the two models that make retro and sci-fi the best come from the same group! A persistent spirit that does not have ancient and retro makes technology and feelings perfectly integrated. One draws inspiration from the child's innocent graffiti art and explains what a true sense of the future is. Here is a quote: I don't understand it, but I was blown away.

Finally, on behalf of the Academy, allow me to thank these car companies for their efforts, because they enriched the material for the selection of topics when we held the topic selection meeting; they made us become the conscience media when we did not have time to eat; it was they who made us make this award ceremony! Students, we will see you next year!

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