
Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

Many children have a very fast rise in degrees after winter vacation. I went back to school and had to change my glasses again. Children's winter degrees rise faster, which is normal.

Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

In the summer, the sun is shining, and the children spend relatively more time outdoors. In this way, it seems that the development of the eyes is better, and the growth of the degree is relatively slow.

Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

In winter, everyone generally likes to stay at home and stay in the air conditioner. It is rare to go outdoors against the wind and snow. And in winter, the sunshine is relatively small, and the light is not enough. Looking at objects in the near distance indoors every day, the degree of myopia will naturally deepen.

How to make children's myopia grow more slowly in winter?

Why does myopia in winter grow so fast?

You can use all the time you can use to let your children look at the balcony window sill more often and look at the distance through the window. Usually, do not use your eyes at close range for too long, and pay attention to rest. Indoor light should also be sufficient, do not read in allergies or too dark light, will make the vision drop.

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