
Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

The poetry editor gives the impression of being "very powerful". They not only edit poetry, they are also masters of writing poetry themselves. Whether a work can be published or not, the editor has an important role. Moreover, the editor can decide the final appearance of the work. Therefore, poetry editors, especially those of famous publications, are extremely respected in the poetry world.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

Jing Dan Ying (Image from the Internet)

Of course, even the most responsible poetry editor will inevitably have times of negligence. No, there is a poem in the "Stars" poetry journal, and the reader feels that there is a language disease, so he sends a message to the editor Jing Danying for discussion. As a result, there has been no news response, and readers can't help but spit out a sentence: "The editor of the big magazine is a bit dragged." This time, Jing Danying replied in seconds: "You can just cover the coffin." ”

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

First of all, let's look at whether the language problem pointed out by the reader is reasonable. "Jump to the other two cats", the reader thinks that there is an extra "up" word here, that is, "jump to the other two cats". Or a comma that was missing, which was "Jump to the other two cats and go up." The problem pointed out by this reader does have some truth.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

Then, in another poem, "The Courier," he found the problem. There is a phrase "the most hidden flower", and this "most" word is followed by a verb, which is also not very conventional. Generally, "most" is followed by adjectives, such as "the most powerful", "the most skilled", "the most dragged" and so on. The original meaning of this poem should refer to "the deepest hidden flower", but "the most hidden" does not conform to the norm.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

To be honest, I really admire this reader. He's still reading poetry? He not only read the poems, but he also read them word by word! Not only did he read it word for word, but he could even find something wrong with it? Not only can he find out what is wrong, but he can even communicate with the editor! Think about it, how many people can do this now? It is estimated that most people will not do the first step.

Kyodan Sakura drag? This cannot be concluded casually. She never replied to the message, probably really too busy. Busy editing poems, busy writing poems, busy judging awards, busy meetings. She may not have really paid attention to the reader's news in time. Maybe there was another reason, maybe she had never imagined that there were such real poetry readers.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

Isn't it common for poetry today to be unsmooth or even full of loopholes? Who cares? "Shanghai Literature" can publish the "Guangrou (Yuan?) Lei Pingyang's "Thirty-Seven Tributaries of the Lancang River in Lanping County, Yunnan" actually has only thirty-three works, and works copied from the "Poetry Journal" can be listed in the "Poetry Journal" again.

What do these mean? Few people read poetry, and even the editors may not have seriously read it. In her reply, Jing Danying said, "I haven't bothered to go through that magazine until now," even though she is the magazine's publishing editor. Therefore, such a reader, Jing Danying may be the first time to meet.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

Aren't poetry editors dragging now? Not necessarily. For example, some time ago, a poem "Happy To Climb the Pavilion" published in the "Poetry Journal" was revised by the editor without informing the author. As a result, when the author saw the work, he was "lost, disappointed, depressed and even resentful." But the author wants to complain about it, afraid of losing his job, he can only secretly resent it.

So, today's poetry editors, is it a drag or not? That's a problem. But from these phenomena, at least we know that poetry editors are really busy today. Too busy to read poems carefully, too busy to read the journals they have edited, too busy to communicate with authors or readers.

Today's poetry editors, is it a drag, or not a drag? That's a problem

As a result of the editors' busyness, no one cares what happens to the poems, no one reads them anymore. Although there are a lot of "famous poets" now, whose works have been remembered? Are these works of any use other than to add some weight to the word "famous"? In fact, poetry editors don't want to, anyway, they can't find mistakes, and sometimes they add to the chaos. Even these publications can be cancelled, see what is published on them?

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