
Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

Hello everyone, I'm Cuckoo Mama~

Whether a child is smart or not will be related to many factors, and these factors affect each other and work together.

So, how is the child's brain development affected?

One: Related to 3 aspects

Whether the child is smart or not is related to the following three aspects.

Genetically related

70% of a child's IQ is inherited from the parents.

Parents have high IQs, and the children born are generally not too bad. Of course, some parents are mediocre, but the children are brilliant. This is the importance of the postnatal environment.

"What Makes Humans Smarter" mentions a study in which IQ is determined by multiple genes.

When a fertilized egg is formed, it receives a genetic cell from Mom and Dad, respectively. The distribution of information in this genetic cell is random.

If the baby has more "smart genes", then he will be a congenitally smart baby. And if it happens that the baby gets less "smart genes", then he may be more mediocre.

Seeing this conclusion, Cuckoo Mom seems to understand why many students bully their parents and complain that their babies are mediocre scum.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point


Since genetics is mentioned, it is necessary to mention the environment after the birth of the child, after all, it also plays an important role.

At the age of 3, children have 2 times more neurons in their brains than adults. This is the wonder of nature, which gives children unlimited possibilities.

Children can make the most of the neurons in the brain during the period from 3 to 12 years old. Neurons that are constantly being used and stimulated retain after puberty and become a fixed neural network for children.

Neurons, which are not commonly used, will be eliminated as "useless" cells after puberty.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

Therefore, when a child grows up, his IQ is not high or not, and whether he is smart or not depends largely on his childhood. During this period, the child's brain is mainly used in which it can determine what kind of person he will become in the future.

Nutrition during pregnancy is related

A person's IQ has both genetic and environmental influences. But the main thing that determines his ability to think is the brain itself. The child's brain, on the other hand, is formed before birth.

Therefore, the 10 months of pregnancy are a period of great importance for the development of a child's brain.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

Moms, do you know how your baby's brain develops in your belly? Let's look down together.

Two: How does the fetal brain develop?

The fetus is in the mother's belly, and various parts of the body will develop in a race against time. Cuckoo Mom came alone to talk to you about the development of the fetal brain.

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, the fetus develops first, and his brain is preferred. The brain absorbs almost 70% of the nutrients supplied by the placenta. At this time, the fetus is properly a "big head" doll.

The brain grows most rapidly in the third trimester, which will almost grow more than 3 times larger.


At 10 months of pregnancy, the fetus's brain grows 2.5 million nerve cells every minute. When he was born, 70% of the brain cells he would need for the rest of his life were already there.

By the 6th week of the fetus, his brain is almost the size of the rest of his body. At week 7, neurons in the brain begin to come into contact, forming the most primitive neural pathways.

At 9-12 weeks, the fetal baby's brain develops faster than the organs of other parts of the body, and the size accounts for almost half of the entire body.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point


At this stage, the phospholipids and cholesterol in the fetal baby's brain continue to increase, laying the foundation for the development of various brain functions.


By the 7th month, the baby has become very smart and the myelin in the brain is constantly growing. The role of myelin is to make neurons conduct information faster, which will make the fetus respond more quickly.

By the 8th month, your baby's brain will develop rapidly. At this time, he needs enough nutrients to maintain growth.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

Your baby's brain, from zero at the beginning, grows 100 billion neurons at birth. This is both a complex project and a great one.

And it is Mom who provides a steady stream of nutrition for this great project. Are you proud to see this?

Three: How to eat during pregnancy?

The mother not only provides a suitable environment for the baby's development, but also constantly provides nutrition for the baby. At this stage, pregnant mothers should pay more attention to the food they eat into their mouths.

So how should pregnant mothers eat to help the baby's brain development?

The following foods, pregnant mothers can eat more appropriately throughout pregnancy. They have great benefits for your baby's brain development and can help your baby build a "smart brain".

●Deep-sea fish rich in Omega-3

"Eating fish makes you smarter" is not just talking.

The American Academy of Pediatrics pointed out that deep-sea fish are rich in omega-3, and omega-3 contains DHA that is consistent with the development of the baby's brain.

Omega-3 protects your baby's cells, screening out good nutrients and filtering out bad nutrients. Omega-3 can also make myelin, which improves the efficiency of neurons in your baby's brain.

Therefore, eating more deep-sea fish (such as salmon) rich in omega-3 is more conducive to baby brain development.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

● Eat nuts

Many doctors recommend that pregnant mothers can eat more nuts. Because nuts are rich in vitamins and calcium, they are also conducive to baby brain development.

Pregnant mothers can pick some of their favorite nuts as snacks, such as walnuts, pistachios, etc., which are both nutritious and healthy, and also relieve hunger.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

● One egg per day

Eggs are a common ingredient in life, but it contains choline, which can promote the development of the baby's brain. And eggs can be made in many styles, pregnant mothers can supplement an egg every day, which is both affordable and simple.

Is the baby smart, genetically or nutritionally during pregnancy? Understanding the following questions is the point

What else would you like to say about the baby's intelligence? Let's discuss it together

【Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion】

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