
In World War II, the country imprisoned Chinese in concentration camps, and in the end only 140 people survived, not Japan

Needless to say, Japan's crimes against China during World War II are remembered by every Chinese, and the Japanese army invading China is simply synonymous with demons. What many people don't know is that Germany, which is also the fascist camp, has also killed many Chinese.

In World War II, the country imprisoned Chinese in concentration camps, and in the end only 140 people survived, not Japan

In the process of long-term trade with Germany, Chinese seafarers and their families, some of them sick and unable to return, settled in Germany, and gradually formed a settlement, and there were more than 2,000 Chinese living in Hamburg's Chinese street. After Hitler came to power, Chinese, like immigrants of other nationalities, was labeled as collaborating with the enemy and fell into the hell of concentration camps.

In World War II, the country imprisoned Chinese in concentration camps, and in the end only 140 people survived, not Japan

Early world war II


Imprisoned in Mauthausen

concentration camp

At the end of World War II, the Germans were on the verge of defeat and became even more vicious, arresting all the Chinese in Hamburg's Chinese street and throwing them into the "concentration camp of tomorrow". Ironically, most of the people in this camp will not survive tomorrow. The means of the concentration camp are known to everyone: beatings, starvation, hard labor, gas chambers, crematoriums, burial alive, and in the end only 140 people survived to see the sun of tomorrow.

In World War II, the country imprisoned Chinese in concentration camps, and in the end only 140 people survived, not Japan

In the past few years, somehow, a group of "German fans" have emerged, worshipping Germans and advocating

The Germans selflessly helped us against Japan

Even by making up Hitler that Chinese was noble, how could it be, to do any pipe dreaming. Before the start of World War II, the trade between the Chinese government and Germany was a monetary transaction and there was no help, and in World War II, Germany persecuted and exterminated Chinese, like other ethnic groups. Those "moral fans" not only distort history, but also have no national self-esteem. The ancestors of history who fought in bloody battles sacrificed their lives to keep our nation from being violated, and now there are not only posterity who forget their exploits, but also worship invaders, which is really chilling. These people should re-study history, respect basic historical facts, and establish correct values. Otherwise, it would be a waste of Chinese, sorry for the peace won by the blood of the predecessors.

In World War II, the country imprisoned Chinese in concentration camps, and in the end only 140 people survived, not Japan

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