
Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

Sometimes reality is often more dramatic than drama, we can often see the epic and great deeds of heroes on the big screen, and whenever the protagonist is in danger, the audience will hold his breath and watch how he is fierce.

In the war years, each of our forefathers was the protagonist. But after all, the story is only a story, and reality is often more of a sense of powerlessness. The story of each of our ancestors has its own ending.

Wu Fushan is a founding lieutenant general in china, and his story makes us feel very emotional. He once rode a white horse into the Japanese barracks and shouted "Yosai", causing the Japanese troops to line up to salute. In him, we see the aura of the protagonist, and we are also extremely happy that he can escape the minions of the Japanese army.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

Founding Lieutenant General

Wu Fushan, born in 1912 in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, was born into a poor family, and at the age of 7, he only attended half a year's school, and his father could not afford his tuition, so when he was 13 years old, he sent him to a shop selling cloth as an apprentice to support the family.

However, Wu Fushan was a very studious person; by participating in the literacy classes of the workers' associations, he learned about the advanced ideas of the revolution by reading the newspapers and periodicals, and he immediately installed the party and the state in his heart, hoping to contribute to the country and contribute his own strength.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, he returned to his hometown and mobilized the masses to form a young vanguard. At the age of 18, he officially joined the Communist Party of China, and since then he has made many achievements in the anti-encirclement and suppression war.

During the Long March, he relied on his own strength to step by step from company clerks to senior commanders, general affairs chiefs and other positions, becoming an indispensable member of the Long March.

In 1938, he provided war strategies to his superiors, cooperated with Chen Geng in an ambush battle, annihilated the enemy army in one fell swoop, and won victory.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

Escape from danger

In June 1940, a dramatic scene was staged in this young and promising soldier. At that time, Wu Fushan led his troops to win a victorious battle, which greatly boosted the morale of our generals, and he happily draped the Coat of the Japanese army on his body and rode a fierce horse captured from the Japanese prisoners of war.

Too happy, he rode his horse to a nearby walk. Unexpectedly, the horse suddenly sped up, and it heard the sound of the enemy's war horses not far away, and ran towards the place it was familiar with.

Wu Fushan, who was on horseback, did not expect this scene in front of him, he had no way to control the horse, he could only let it run towards the enemy's barracks, Wu Fushan tried his best to drive the horse back, but it was still taken to the gate of the Japanese military camp.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

The Japanese army saw Wu Fushan coming on horseback and did not show a state of alertness, but instead went their own way. Wu Fushan calmly thought about it for a while, he was wearing the clothes of a Japanese general, fortunately he had not been recognized. However, the sentries of the Japanese military camp saw Wu Fushan at the door and regarded him as a Japanese, opened the gate and let him enter the Japanese military camp.

In the Barracks of the Japanese Army, a large number of enemy troops were conducting exercises, and when they saw Wu Fushan, who was dressed as a general, they stopped their training and lined up as if to welcome him. Although Wu Fushan was not recognized, he did not understand Japanese, and if he did not say anything, he would definitely be recognized at once.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

So, he pretended to look at it calmly, and even said "Yosai", he knew that "Yosai" is a good meaning in Japanese, and using this word to return the welcome of the Japanese army should not be revealed.

Sure enough, the commander of the Japanese army was very happy to hear Wu Fushan say "Yoxi", and he thought that the queue had received a very high evaluation from the general, and the command line saluted him. Wu Fushan knew that he had escaped a disaster, so he pretended to circle around the team twice and walked out of the gate of the barracks, which could be described as a tiger's mouth escaping danger.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

Dan's heart reflects the long sky

On the way to Hebei with Wu Fushan's troops, 20,000 Japanese troops surrounded wu Fushan's base area, and the situation was urgent, and in a hurry, he jumped into the cliff just so as not to be captured by the Japanese army.

Unexpectedly, the cliff walls were covered with branches, which greatly attenuated the impact, and at a position a few meters above the ground, he was hung on the branches. Seeing this, he quickly landed on the ground to the bottom of the cliff, and luckily escaped the heavily encircled Japanese army.

During the Liberation War, he led his troops into Qiqihar, he was revealed by spies, surrounded and blocked by the enemy, in a hurry, he hid in the home of a Russian old lady, the Russian old lady had a tough attitude, did not let the Kuomintang go in to search for him, and he fled again.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

Under these dangerous situations, it has to be said that Wu Fushan has an element of luck, but more rely on his keen judgment and the arrogance of not being in danger.

After the founding of New China, Wu Fushan, who made outstanding contributions to our country, still guarded the motherland with his sincere heart, and during the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he personally commanded the air force to resist the US army.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

In 1957, he successively served as deputy commander of the air force of the Central and Southern Military Regions and commander of the air force of the Guangzhou Military Region, which greatly strengthened the combat strength of the air force in Guangdong and Guangxi, dealt a heavy blow to US imperialism, and gained valuable experience for the cause of air combat in our country.

Since then, he has been staying in the air force and injecting his life's efforts into the air force of our country, which can be seen in his loyalty and responsibility to the party and the country.

Founding Lieutenant General Wu Fushan, riding a white horse, mistakenly broke into the Japanese barracks, and as a result, the Japanese army lined up to salute him

brief summary:

Today, we read the heroic stories of countless ancestors one by one, and we are immersed in them, and we also desperately want to have a gold finger to save them in times of crisis. We can't bear to read stories that are too grandiose.

But fortunately, in some unfortunate battlefields, we can see lucky heroes like Comrade Wu Fushan. He mistakenly broke into the enemy camp and escaped with the help of "Yoxi". At the same time, it also lets us know that on the battlefield between China and Japan, we are the righteous side and we are the protagonists. And the side where the protagonist is on will eventually win.

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