
Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

According to the Commentaries on the Interpretation of the Texts, the stars have this to say: "The "suku" is the "cessation"; therefore, the "twenty-eight dwellings" are the twenty-eight constellations that serve as the places where the planets cease. Because the sun and moon and the five stars travel back and forth in the vast and endless sky, it is difficult for the ancients to grasp its operation law, so they envisioned that according to the position of the stars on the celestial sphere, the celestial sphere was divided into a certain starry sky area, that is, the sky near the ecliptic and the equator was divided into twenty-eight starry areas, which were twenty-eight residences. ”

It can be seen that the Twenty-Eight Stars are one of the important components of China's traditional culture. The earliest origin of the Twenty-Eight Stars is the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the earliest related cultural relics found in China's archaeology are the tombs of Marquis Yi of Zeng in the Eastern Zhou and Warring States periods.

Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

Stolen empty tomb group

As we all know, China is full of cultural relics and jewelry, of which northern Shaanxi, although it is a relatively desolate place, but because in the history of our country, northern Shaanxi has always been a historical and cultural monument, so in the local area, there are many ancient tombs.

On the extension of the ancient Great Wall in northern Shaanxi, there are many ancient tombs from the Qin and Han dynasties. However, due to the extremely large scale of the han tombs, there is no shortage of precious historical treasures in the ancient tombs, resulting in tomb robbers often visiting this area.

Among them, Yangqiaopan Town in northern Shaanxi is an area where theft is very serious. Because Yangqiaopan Town has the largest group of Han tombs in northern Shaanxi, it is not unusual for tomb robbers to patronize here. It is speculated that there may be tens of thousands of ancient tombs here.

Today we want to talk about the largest astrological map of our country found by archaeologists in the tomb of Yangqiaopan Town! All this should also be "thanks" to the grave robbers.

After the local government built the railway line, it was discovered that there were a large number of ancient tombs here, so it was archaeologically explored and rescued. In more than a year, about two hundred ancient tombs have been discovered, and many of them are precious fresco tombs.

Because some of the tombs are covered with thick yellow sand, they are not easy to excavate. However, in these tombs, archaeologists have made many major discoveries.

Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

In a village 2 kilometers southwest of Yangqiaopan Town, a Han Dynasty mural tomb was found, but this tomb has been excavated by tomb robbers, and the tomb robber's tomb robbery method can be said to be accurate tomb robbery.

Because the experts found that the tomb robber's hole was very accurate, and there was no damage to the contents.

Discover the most complete astrological map of our country to date

However, the tomb robbers also stole all the valuable items in the tomb, and the ancient tomb was empty.

After the approval of the relevant authorities, the experts carried out protective excavation and cleaning of the ancient tomb. However, it is worth mentioning that an archaeologist has made an extremely significant discovery without easily looking up.

It turned out that this ancient tomb turned out to be a frescoed tomb, and the top of the tomb was painted with astronomical astrological charts! This can be said to be a very significant discovery and has great research value.

After many scholars and experts have studied it, it has been found that this astrological map is the most complete and comprehensive astrological map in China.

Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

The star map drawn in this burial chamber, including the twenty-eight stars, is so magnificent that archaeologists are very shocked.

In ancient times, in order to facilitate the observation of the movement of the sun, moon and five planets, the people used the twenty-eight constellations near the ecliptic and the equator as symbols, collectively known as the twenty-eight constellations, or the twenty-eight constellations.

In the Huainan zi astronomical training, The sea divides the twenty-eight lodges into nine fields: "Central Juntian, Eastern Cangtian, Northeast Changing Heaven, Northern Xuantian, Northwest Youtian, Western Haotian, Southwest Zhutian, Southern Yantian, Southeast Yangtian." ”

Or "thanks" to the tomb robbers for their precision grave robbers

After archaeological excavations and research and restoration, the Archaeological Research Institute of Shaanxi Province announced the latest results of the tomb - the first discovery of the twenty-eight star map in China with four elements: star shape, number of stars, image and inscription.

This discovery provides extremely valuable physical materials for discussing the development of astronomy in the Han Dynasty, understanding the concepts and customs related to funerary in the Eastern Han Dynasty, religious thought, and studying the myths and legends of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties.

It can be said that it has important reference significance for the study of the history of science, culture, religious thought, literature, history, archaeology and so on in the Han Dynasty.

Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

In fact, the discovery of astrological charts is not the first time in archaeological history.

In 2008, mural tombs excavated in this area also unearthed astrological maps similar to those excavated in this excavation, but only a few star officials have inscriptions.

The adjacent Dingbian Haotan Han Tomb, the twenty-eight astrological charts that have been excavated, are not as complete and serial as this excavation.

In addition, the earliest names of the twenty-eight stars excavated by archaeology are only found on a lacquer box excavated from the tomb of Marquis Yi of the Warring States, with only the inscription, but no image, star shape and number of stars.

It can be seen that compared with the previously unearthed astrological charts, this time the twenty-eight star charts are undoubtedly extremely precious. Whether it is for the protection of cultural relics or in terms of research value, it has a very important significance.

Tomb robbers accurately robbed the tomb, with no burial products left, the expert looked up at the top of the tomb and was excited

brief summary

It is a great pleasure that this astrological map can be preserved in its entirety, but at the same time, the act of tomb robbers stealing countless precious cultural relics is also hateful!

References: "Commentary on the Interpretation of Texts", "Huainanzi Astronomical Training"

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