
The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

I believe that many girls have fantasized about being a princess of a certain country when they were young, having endless food and beautiful clothes to wear every day, carefree, and no need to worry about exams, but how many people in this world can be so lucky, from birth with a golden spoon?

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

Her name is Xu Shiyin'e, is a native of southern Fujian, when she was a child, she also fantasized about the "princess life", but as she grew older, she had long forgotten the "princess dream", and later she got married, taught her husband and children at home, and later opened a small restaurant in Tumen Street, Quanzhou City, and lived the same life as thousands of ordinary people.

However, later, the appearance of an ancient tomb group completely broke her quiet life - Xu Shiyin'e turned out to be a real princess! The country that learned the news immediately sent people to China, hoping that Xu Shiyin'e could return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, but Xu Shiyin'e resolutely refused. How did she get along?

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

One day in 1996, Liu Zhicheng, a staff member of the Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum, was playing on the nearby Qingquan Mountain, and suddenly found a looming stone stele, with a professional spirit, he quickly pulled away the weeds, and the stone stele between them was written with the words "Shijia Pit", and he immediately rushed back to the museum to inform his colleagues. After repeated verification by experts, it was confirmed that this was the ancient tomb of the prince of Ceylon.

Time first back to 1429 AD, when Zheng He's fleet came to Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), and began a pleasant exchange with the king of Ceylon, before Zheng He left, the king of Ceylon decided to send the prince Shi Li Ba Jiao to follow Zheng He to China, to see this great eastern power, Zheng He gladly accepted, a few months later, the prince of Ceylon arrived in China, met the Ming Emperor, sent a rare treasure personally selected by his father, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen also politely returned porcelain, silk and other gifts, everyone was happy.

In the days that followed, the Prince of Ceylon traveled extensively throughout China and gained many valuable insights, but just as he was about to board a ship from Quanzhou, bad news came that his father and brother had been brutally murdered by the rebels, and the other side had successfully usurped the throne.

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

Shiliba Jiaojia only came to the Ming Dynasty to worship, did not bring many people at all, at this time to go back is tantamount to sending death, Yingzong learned of this, very sympathetic to the prince, so he let him temporarily live in China, and the descendants of the Arab nobles in Quanzhou Pushi Xu to him, from then on, Shiliba Jiaoya took root in Quanzhou, Fujian Province.

In order to better integrate into the life of Chinese, Sripa Jiaoya changed his name, leaving only the first word "Shi", and later The daughter of Shilipa Jiaoya fell in love with a man surnamed Xu and asked his parents to agree to the two of them. But after all, it was a former prince, he did not want his daughter to marry out, so he asked Xu to join the family, Xu agreed, but hoped that the future children could be surnamed "Xu", Shi Liba was unwilling to provoke.

After many negotiations between the two sides, they took a compromise approach - their descendants were either surnamed "Shi" or "Xu Shi", and since then, the bloodline of the Ceylon royal family has continued in China. Seeing this, I believe that everyone has understood who Xu Shiyin'e is. However, for some special reasons, the Xu family has not dared to admit their origins.

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

It is said that when Xu Shiyin'e heard that the archaeological team was going to dig up the tomb of her family's ancestors, she could not bear it any longer, hurriedly called to stop the archaeological team, indicated her identity, and after repeated investigation by the staff, this unassuming woman was really a descendant of the prince of Ceylon! As soon as this matter came out, it immediately shocked people at home and abroad.

When the Sri Lankan side heard the news, it immediately sent government officials and archaeologists to Quanzhou, and visited Xu Shiyin'e and invited her, the "Princess of Ceylon", to return to her home (Sri Lanka), but Xu Shiyin'e refused, she said: I am Chinese, and China is my home. Seeing that she had made up her mind, the other party no longer demanded it.

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

Since then, Xu Shiyin'e still runs her own small shop and lives the same life as before, and does not regard "princess status" as a special title. However, the Sri Lankan side is still very persistent, so in 2002 he invited her again, this time Xu Shiyin'e agreed, but she just went to Sri Lanka to see, still will not settle here.

In June 2002, Xu Shiyin'e came to Sri Lanka and began a 10-day root-seeking trip, and the Sri Lankan state gave her the highest standard of hospitality, and even the local people spontaneously presented flowers to her, and everyone said with a smile: "Welcome the princess home!" This flattered Xu Shiyin'e.

The foreign princess who was exiled to China refused to return to China to inherit tens of millions of inheritances, saying: I am already a Chinese

After 10 days, Xu Shiyin'e returned to the ancient city of Quanzhou and lived a peaceful and beautiful life.

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