
Redmi K50 Pro HD rendering exposed Rice noodles are crying and laughing when they see it

【Mobile China News】The new Redmi K50 series has been officially announced, and the first masterpiece codenamed DreamPhone (Universe) will be released next month. As the release time approaches, there are more and more revelations about the new machines in the series on the Internet. On January 10, foreign media exposed the high-definition rendering of the suspected Redmi K50 Pro, showing the detailed design of the mobile phone.

Redmi K50 Pro HD rendering exposed Rice noodles are crying and laughing when they see it

Redmi K50 Pro HD rendering exposure (see watermark for source)

The exposed pictures show that the Redmi K50 Pro adopts a centered cut-out screen design, equipped with a straight screen, the phone's four bezels are very narrow, the chin is slightly wider, and the front look is very comfortable. However, the back design of the phone has become everyone's focus. In the picture, the mobile phone has three cameras on the rear, located in the upper left corner of the fuselage in a triangular arrangement, and the camera area as a whole is designed as a matrix, with the logo of "AI CAMERA" written below. Does this design style look a little familiar? It is very similar to the design tone of vivo mobile phones. Many netizens joked: "Other people's design is the best design" and "This is very Vivo" and so on.

Redmi K50 Pro HD rendering exposed Rice noodles are crying and laughing when they see it

Redmi K50 new aircraft officially announced

But will the Redmi K50 Pro really have such a design? The answer is not necessarily. As Redmi's annual high-end flagship new machine, the K50 Pro's exterior design and configuration are very worth looking forward to. Every year, the new Redmi K series machines will bring you a very balanced and excellent configuration on the basis of a very competitive price, and the appearance also has its own unique recognition.

Redmi K50 Pro HD rendering exposed Rice noodles are crying and laughing when they see it

Redmi K30/40 series

But the only constant thing in the so-called world is that everything is changing. Since foreign media have now exposed the high-definition rendering of the Redmi K50 Pro, there may also be a certain basis.

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