
Health science popularization | epidemic prevention and control is not slackened, and a security "firewall" is built

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control is still severe and complex. The document "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Relevant Work during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2022" points out that under the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, we should make overall plans for all work during the festival to ensure that the people spend the festival safely. So, in life, how do we do a good job in personal safety and epidemic prevention? To this end, we invited Li Xiangjun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Preventive Health Care of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College, to popularize some useful prevention and control knowledge for everyone.

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Health science popularization | epidemic prevention and control is not slackened, and a security "firewall" is built

Li Xiangjun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Preventive Health Care of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical College

Reporter: What are the common transmission routes of new crown pneumonia?

Li Xiangjun: The new crown pneumonia is a respiratory infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus, which is highly contagious, and the main source of infection is the new crown pneumonia patient; asymptomatic infected people can also become the source of infection.

The main routes of transmission of COVID-19 are respiratory droplet transmission and close contact transmission. Exposure to virus-contaminated items and exposure to virus-contaminated environments can cause contact transmission or aerosol transmission. Patients with new crown pneumonia can release droplets with new crown virus into the air by talking, coughing, sneezing, etc., which can be directly inhaled by people around them who have not taken protective measures to cause infection; large particles may settle into the surfaces, clothes, and hair of the surrounding environment with gravity, and can cause infection through contact.

Therefore, during the COVID-19 epidemic, we need to pay attention to wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and regularly disinfecting the surrounding environment to avoid crowded places.

Reporter: Is the incubation period contagious?

Li Xiangjun: The incubation period is contagious. The incubation period refers to the fact that the patient's symptoms are not obvious, but it has been infected, and the nucleic acid detection through respiratory specimens during the incubation period can generally be detected, but the time of infection is still very short. The incubation period of the new coronavirus is 1-14 days, mostly 3-7 days, 1-2 days before the onset of the disease and the initial stage of the onset of the infection is relatively contagious, because the new coronavirus pneumonia patients do not have conscious symptoms during the incubation period, so generally do not pay attention to, then go out, or close contact with others, it is possible to cause infection.

Reporter: The Spring Festival holiday is approaching, the flow of people is increasing, and the high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring is superimposed, how can residents who return home and go out do a good job of personal protection?

Health science popularization | epidemic prevention and control is not slackened, and a security "firewall" is built

Li Xiangjun: The current international epidemic situation is still grim, the number of new cases is still running at a high level, new variants of Aomi Kerong continue to appear, local epidemics have appeared in many parts of the country, and the city continues to have greater pressure on epidemic prevention and control. During the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2022, the mobility and aggregation of personnel will increase, the risk of epidemic import and transmission will increase, and the situation of prevention and control will be severe and complex. To deal with complex situations, the following points need to be noted:

1, usually go out less, should wear a mask when going out, reduce going to places where people gather.

2. Do not hold group gathering activities, such as dinner, wedding or birthday banquets, gathering people to play mahjong, etc.

3. Maintain good healthy living habits, do not stay up late, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, have a balanced diet, and exercise more. Develop good hygiene habits and wash your hands and change your clothes when you get home. At the same time, you should avoid sneezing and coughing in front of others. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when you sneeze or cough. Do not spit on the ground. Mouth and nose secretions should be contained in a paper towel and discarded in a covered trash can.

4. After returning to the hometown (going out), the returnee (outgoing) personnel should report to the village (community) as soon as possible, and according to different risk areas, different risk positions accept community grid management, and health monitoring, nucleic acid inspection and health management should be done in accordance with regulations. Do not gather before the nucleic acid report comes out, do not eat together, do not take public transportation, do not go out unless necessary, and if you really need to go out, you must strictly do a good job of personal protection.

5. New crown symptoms such as fever, dry cough, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea and other new crown symptoms should be treated in time to the nearby fever clinic.

Reporter: Masks are an effective way to prevent the epidemic. How to wear masks correctly and scientifically?

Health science popularization | epidemic prevention and control is not slackened, and a security "firewall" is built

Li Xiangjun: Wearing masks scientifically has a preventive effect on respiratory infectious diseases such as new crown pneumonia and influenza, which not only protects oneself, but also benefits public health.

For the general public:

(1) At home and outdoors, no personnel gathering and good ventilation.

Protection advice: Do not wear a mask.

(2) Being in a crowded place, such as office, shopping, restaurant, conference room, workshop, etc.; or taking a box elevator, public transportation, etc.

Protection advice: In medium- and low-risk areas, you should carry a spare mask (disposable medical mask or medical surgical mask) and wear a mask when in close contact with others (less than or equal to 1 meter). In high-risk areas, wear disposable medical masks.

(3) For those with cold symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.

Protection advice: Wear a disposable medical mask or medical surgical mask.

(4) For persons living together with persons who are isolated at home or discharged from the hospital for rehabilitation.

For people in specific places:

(1) Places such as hospitals, bus stations, railway stations, subway stations, airports, supermarkets, restaurants, public transportation, and imports and exports of communities and units that are crowded.

Protection advice: In medium- and low-risk areas, workers wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks. In high-risk areas, staff wear medical surgical masks or protective masks that meet KN95/N95 and above.

(2) In nursing homes, welfare homes, mental health medical institutions, as well as school classrooms, construction site dormitories, and other crowded places.

Protection advice: In medium- and low-risk areas, you should carry a spare mask (disposable medical mask or medical surgical mask) every day, and wear a mask when people gather or are in close contact with others (less than or equal to 1 meter). In high-risk areas, staff wear medical surgical masks or protective masks that meet the KN95/N95 and higher levels; others wear disposable medical masks.

For key personnel:

Suspected cases, confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected persons of the new coronavirus pneumonia; close contacts of the new coronavirus pneumonia; and entry personnel (from the beginning of entry to the end of isolation).

Protection recommendations: Wear a medical surgical mask or a protective mask without an expiratory valve that meets the KN95/N95 and above levels.

It is necessary to pay attention to disposable medical masks or N95 medical protective masks, which are worn continuously for 4 hours to replace, and are changed immediately after pollution or moisture.

Reporter: In order to do a good job in the normalization of the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic and improve personal immunity, what good habits do we need to develop in life?

Li Xiangjun: Through this epidemic, everyone should gradually develop good living and hygiene habits and persevere in adhering to them. It has gradually developed into a health habit that the whole people abide by. Please do the following:

1. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Reasonable arrangements for study, life, physical exercise, the combination of work and leisure, regular work and rest, to ensure adequate sleep, enhance the body's immunity. Actively participate in sports and promote physical health.

2. Pay attention to mental health. When encountering psychological problems, learn to self-regulate, and if necessary, take the initiative to seek help and support from professional psychologists. Maintain a healthy weight, avoid overweight, obesity and wasting, and stay away from alcohol and tobacco.

3. Develop good hygiene habits. Wash your hands frequently, using the "seven-step handwashing method" correctly, and wash your hands for no less than 15 seconds using soap, hand sanitizer, and running water. Bathe frequently and do not share towels and toiletries.

4. Develop healthy and civilized behavioral habits. Love animals and refuse to eat wild animals. Maintain a suitable and safe distance, and maintain a distance of more than one meter from others when talking, waiting for the bus, waiting for the elevator, and queuing. Consciously adhere to safe and civilized travel, wear a mask on public transportation, and do not eat in public transportation. Talk about civilization, pay attention to hygiene, and do not spit on the ground. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or cover your elbows when you sneeze or cough. Actively avoid dodging when others sneeze or cough.

5. It is necessary to use drugs scientifically. Vaccination according to regulations, vaccination is the most effective means to prevent infectious diseases, it is necessary to complete the whole process of vaccination against the new crown vaccine as soon as possible and establish an immune barrier as soon as possible. Wear a mask when you have a fever or respiratory disease, see a doctor in time, cooperate with the doctor's treatment, follow the doctor's instructions for medication, and do not use prescription drugs without authorization.

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