
Harry Potter Magic Awakening: The Harry Card Group uses the experience, and the speed of the attack rhythm is the most critical!

"Harry Potter: Magical Awakening" this game should be the most popular card game launched last year, not only the plot as far as possible to restore the original, the game is a variety of card decks for players to choose, players are about to play flowers. Among them, the Khalika group is relatively friendly to civilians, but many players are just copying homework, without their own opinions, so today I will share with you the experience of using the Khalika group, I hope you can gain something.

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: The Harry Card Group uses the experience, and the speed of the attack rhythm is the most critical!

The echo is composed of the deck

Harry's echo is actually very interesting, because this echo attaches great importance to the player's understanding of the timing of the skill and the accuracy of the skill, the upper and lower limits are very large, it is recommended that the player try to improve their proficiency, read the book a hundred times, its meaning is self-evident. And the deck composition basically uses a million bullets, inflatable spells, in addition to your weapons, speed confinement, flying sand and stones, snowballs, broomsticks, players can modify according to their own needs, partner cards are basically Frey Brothers, McGonagall, Ron. This set down, the player experience is relatively smooth, because Harry does not have to save fees, skills are basically put at the right time, so fluency is the first meaning.

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: The Harry Card Group uses the experience, and the speed of the attack rhythm is the most critical!

Points to note in actual combat:

First of all, the aforementioned guarantee of the fluency of the lineup does not mean that as long as there is a skill, it is too wasteful. Many times players need to use accurate combos to maximize their effects, so it is recommended that players save 5-7 fees in actual combat, and then consider hitting damage.

Secondly, when the amount of blood on both sides of the battle is in an unhealthy state, the skill must be stabilized and cannot be relaxed. It is best to do both skill accuracy, positioning, health, and teammate safety, and see the situation to go out and send it off, don't hesitate, hesitate will lose.

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: The Harry Card Group uses the experience, and the speed of the attack rhythm is the most critical!

Finally, when facing a lineup that is stronger than themselves, players need to analyze the psychology of the opposite side. For example, when facing Dobby, the most important thing to pay attention to is his mobile card, it is best to flash after him and then make consecutive moves, so as to avoid being consumed too much. Facing Flitwick is to use the weapon in addition to you in time, if you use it well, you can cancel his skill effect, and then cooperate with your teammates without brain pressure blood line, he basically panicked.

Harry Potter Magic Awakening: The Harry Card Group uses the experience, and the speed of the attack rhythm is the most critical!

The above is the knowledge points about the Khalika group shared with you today, in fact, the knowledge points need to be understood in actual combat, and maybe you can also find some unknown knowledge points. Finally, I hope that everyone can apply what they have learned and be happy!

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