
Eat soft and not eat hard, naturally proud, the most difficult to be surrendered in the relationship

Some zodiac signs are born with a proud bone, never willing to give in, often eat soft and do not eat hard, the stronger you are, the more they rebound, but if you are loud and angry, as long as it is a reasonable request, they may accept it calmly and will not deliberately embarrass you. Moreover, they are easy not to be moved, it is difficult to be surrendered, and they want them to fall in love with you, in addition to their own strength, but also have full sincerity, otherwise it will only be a void. Which constellations are there? Let's take a look!

Eat soft and not eat hard, naturally proud, the most difficult to be surrendered in the relationship


Scorpio is high and cold in appearance, low-key and introverted, usually always alone, and rarely communicates with people. Many people think that they are too cold and arrogant, do not put others in the eyes, but in fact, although Scorpio is proud, but to their own people are surprisingly good, usually may not see anything, but as long as friends have something, they will appear at the first time, willing to pay time and money, let people have an inexplicable touch in their hearts, feel that it is really good to have them!

However, Scorpio is a stubborn temper, as long as the right thing, it is difficult to turn back, especially in the relationship. They are notoriously single-minded and infatuated, not to love is already, once in love will be dead hearted, as long as you do not live up to, Scorpio is willing to guard love for a lifetime. However, if you want Scorpio to fall in love with someone, the threshold is also quite high. Don't think that those pleasing little tricks can work on them, although Scorpio is not countless people, but the eyes of people have always been very poisonous, only consistent, in exchange for Scorpio's true feelings. Moreover, even if you fall in love with you, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax, what they hate most is the half-hearted people, if there is other thought, Scorpio will definitely find out at the first time, and then they will really regret it.

Eat soft and not eat hard, naturally proud, the most difficult to be surrendered in the relationship


Leo is arrogant in heart, strong in style, and may be approachable in ordinary times, but as long as he starts to do things, he will quickly switch to the domineering president mode, and many times he is unreasonable, a look of those who follow me and those who oppose me, and never care what others think. But it is undeniable that Leo's ability is really good, and many times it can create miracles and convince everyone.

For feelings, leo is careless, but in fact, his heart is extremely eager. However, how can they be easily conquered by proud people? Even if true love is delayed, Leo is not willing to lower the standard and seek perfection. Only when they meet people who really understand themselves, they are willing to open their hearts and accept each other completely. Leo does not require their sweetheart to be obedient to themselves, in their view, two people who love each other need to support each other and promote each other. However, if the other party always wants to suppress himself, the arrogant Leo will never be at the mercy of others and will definitely resist. Don't be arrogant to them when you are in love, put on a lofty posture, Leo will never be resigned!

Eat soft and not eat hard, naturally proud, the most difficult to be surrendered in the relationship


Taurus is stubborn and conservative, loyal and honest, and rarely takes the initiative to offend others. They are usually silent, used to bury their heads in hard work, and have no interest in mixing things that have nothing to do with them. Taurus has always been very stubborn, once they identify a thing, they will unswervingly do it to the end, even if they hit the south wall and do not look back. Although in the eyes of others, they are like a dispensable little transparent, but Taurus is very proud in his heart, never admits his fate, and always believes that with his own hands, he can win everything he wants.

Taurus has principles, personality, and always adheres to the self in the relationship. Although he is also looking forward to sweet love, he always remains calm and rational, and does not let impulses control his heart. They look forward to love, but more eager for stability, very much value each other's character and ability, if the other party is only a lip service, then even if it is handsome or beautiful, Taurus will not be carried away, pragmatic, they know that good looks can not be eaten. So, while Taurus's true love is often late, it is generally very stable as long as the relationship is established. Moreover, Taurus often needs a long time to get along before entrusting their feelings to the other party, so holding hands may only be the beginning, not a complete success.

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