
【Weekly taboo old yellow calendar】January 10, 2022 - January 16, 2022

【Weekly taboo old yellow calendar】January 10, 2022 - January 16, 2022

Small Luck Broadcast: This week's date: January 10 - January 16, 2022

Tegi Zodiac Sign: Horse, rabbit, tiger

This week's rush: Monday punching snake, Tuesday rushing horse, Wednesday rushing sheep, Thursday rushing monkey, Friday punching chicken, Saturday punching dog, Sunday rushing pig. All those who are jealous should be cautious and important. For example, if you rush a snake on Monday, then a friend who belongs to the snake is not suitable for doing important things that day.

Advice of the Week: Be especially cautious this week, because villains, leaky money, rotten peach blossoms follow you this week.

Zodiac Weekly Horoscope


Overall: This week's popularity is average, we have to be down-to-earth and do things. Leave a solid image and add a foundation to yourself.

Fortune: The fortunes were pretty good this week. Turn on your clever brain and think about what good projects to make money? As long as you can work with your heart, it is easy to succeed and have a good return on money.

Love: This week the peach blossom is more prosperous, single people more with the opposite sex if the opportunity is still very large, people in love more care about the lover, more sweet words with each other, so that the feelings to heat up is also very good.

Career: This week's fortune is still very good, although the work is very worried, but because of the many nobles, everything can be completely solved, so the promotion and salary increase opportunities are very large and have good benefits.

Ugly cows

Overall: This week, there are nobles, and the gap between colleagues and friends will be eliminated. Remember that persistence is smooth, it all takes time, patience and waiting. As long as you stick to what you do and think, everything can be solved.

Fortune: This week's good fortune, with your own ingenuity, hard work, there will be a large amount of money and income. Investment is also easy to succeed, there is a considerable income.

Love: This week the door of love is wide open, single you will meet the opposite sex at first sight through blind dates, or classmates party, and may begin your love.

Career: This week's work is more smooth, the job promotion opportunity is relatively large, the probability of business transactions is relatively high, you can increase the interaction with customers, more socializing, but need to pay attention to appropriate rest.

Yin Hu

Overall: This week's popularity is average, you need to be tolerant when you get along, you need to be sincere when you are in love, you need to communicate when you are arguing, you need to be accompanied when you are lonely, you need comfort when you are sad, you need to be calm when you are angry, and you need to share when you are happy.

Fortune: This week's fortune is exuberant, and it is a stage of making money from officials. You must make rational use of the resources of the government and cooperate with some government projects, which will not only be easy to succeed, but also have a large amount of money.

Love: This week's life, every man is to grow up through marriage, to understand what kind of rice, oil, salt and trivial life is; Every woman also has to grow through marriage.

Career: This week's work will be relatively worry-free, and it is normal for the leader to be reused by the leader if he is careful. Work smoothly and live smoothly, just pay attention not to be too tired.


Overall: This week there is a possibility of being blamed, complaining that others do not understand their own people, first of all, they do not understand others. People who complain that the leaders of the organization do not believe in themselves, first of all, they do not believe in the leadership of the organization.

Fortune: This week's financial luck is flat, although the income is stable, but it is inversely proportional to your expenses, resulting in a certain financial deficit. Earning money requires more energy and labor than usual.

Love: This week the peach blossom is just right, and the opposite sex is better. Single people can take this opportunity to communicate with the opposite sex more, the possibility of becoming more likely, more social activities to meet new friends.

Career: This week the work is very hard, hard not to say, but also can not get the affirmation of the leader, usually with colleagues always make you lack patience, so there are more disputes and noise.


Overall: This week, there is time to get together with friends, brothers and sisters, family, and if time permits, you can also travel, which not only eases the mood, but also deepens the feelings.

Fortune: In terms of financial luck this week, there is a certain amount of income, but the expenditure is relatively large, which is not directly proportional to the income. In particular, business people must have a deep understanding of the company's development potential and pay attention to the direction of market operation.

Love: This week's singles may encounter their destined other half; and between men and women in love, it is easy to quarrel over some small issues, and they need more tolerance and understanding between each other.

Career: This week's work is handy, joyful, a little authority, and will also receive gifts from subordinates and customers and colleagues, etc., and there will be a lot of gains.


Overall: This week is easy to encounter contradictions and calm down, deal with problems more cautiously, be sarcastic and patient, be restrained by commissions, be busy and meticulous in work, and be more enthusiastic about people and things.

Fortune: In terms of fortune this week, there are robbery signs, it may be a colleague robbing performance, it may be a thief who stole your money, or it may be a friend who cheated your money, all of which will lead to a "small consumption" of money.

Love: This week, the feelings of married people and their spouses are increasing day by day, but they should pay attention to keeping a proper distance from other members of the opposite sex so as not to cause misunderstandings from their spouses. Fall in love with each other's strengths, and go through stages with each other's shortcomings.

Career: Too many chores this week will make you very annoyed, more tired, and there will be some quarrels with people, so pay attention to the body. In addition, the workload will be more than usual, and more communication will be required.

Noon horse

Overall: This week in interpersonal communication, you have to pay extra attention, there will be strangers and even friends to deceive you of money; if you have a strong ability to prevent deception, then you will avoid this disaster; otherwise you can only rob and lose money.

Fortune: This week's fortunes are not good, and there are signs of looting. The robber, or his peers, or co-workers, is a great threat to you, and in addition, the relationship with your brothers and sisters will be greatly affected by money.

Love: This week you are married with your partner, sometimes in disputes, or for children, or for family expenses. More communication and inclusion is the only way to solve it. One day husband and wife hundred days of grace. A little more tolerance, a little more understanding.

Career: This week's work is a lot of big and small things waiting for you to deal with, the pressure will be relatively large; it may be misunderstood, or provoke villains, pay attention to protect yourself, do not let yourself be hurt.

Not sheep

Overall: This week life is relatively smooth and smooth, and getting along better with friends and lovers. It's just that we still have to pay attention to more contact and communication, and don't ignore each other's feelings because of work, so as not to change.

Fortune: If there is no feng shui to break the financial situation this week, your fortune will go smoothly, and your wealth will come from all directions, and it will become a source of wealth. Compared with others, it is easy to come, and the speed of wealth accumulation is very rapid.

Love: This week is emotionally easy to have external affairs, so friends who are already in love but have not yet married need to pay more attention, so as not to cause emotional changes due to the usual neglect of lovers, and to be sad in vain.

Career: This week's work fortunes of the sheep people are very good, after getting familiar with the business, the work becomes smooth, and the number of overtime hours has been reduced this week, and the sense of ease in the workplace has become more and more.

Shen Monkey

Overall: This week's interaction with people should remember that being kind to others is to be good to yourself, taking a step back from the sea and the sky is also empty, and it is easy to endure the wind and waves for a while. When you go out to walk, remember that it is better to take a step back than to take a dangerous step.

Fortune: This week's fortune is easy to make money, and the pursuit of wealth is smooth. Especially for business people, the original project will develop steadily, and there are opportunities to contact some new projects, as long as they intervene, it will be easy to succeed.

Love: Emotionally peach blossoms are more prosperous this week, and non-single people are still far away from alienation. Like some social occasions, try not to get involved too much, so as not to provoke peach blossoms and change feelings with lovers.

Career: This week's career is handy, there are solutions to problems, and there is a possibility of promotion and salary increase. It is advisable to seize the opportunity, perform well, and use the strength of the team to achieve your goals.

Unitary chicken

Overall: Your popularity has never been better this week. And you may wish to make a return, the old friends and the new friends to each other to get to know each other, when talking to each other, there will be unexpected surprises.

Fortune: This week's fortune is exuberant, seeking wealth is easy, as long as you are willing to work hard and pay, you will get a relatively rich return. During this time, you have to rely on the circle of relationships to make money, but you can work hard in this direction.

Love: This week emotionally, the peach blossom is more prosperous, the friends who are still single are still that sentence, the opportunity depends on grasping, and the married people are still far away from the social occasion.

Career: This week's career luck is also very strong, not only will work handily, but also will make satisfactory results and get bonuses. Pay attention to perseverance and maintain this good state.


Overall: This week, you may wish to divert your energy, get together with friends, go to social occasions with colleagues to entertain, relax your nerves, and meet more new friends.

Fortune: This week's good fortune stage, you can use a variety of channels to make money, seeking part-time work is also one of the options, as long as their energy is strong, they will easily earn some additional income.

Love: This week's love horoscope of dog people is very good, be prepared before dating, dress yourself well, change your hairstyle or dress style, the first date will often be smooth.

Career: This week's work is very smooth, the work is very important to the leader and the recognition of colleagues, and you may wish to make a return, the old friends and new friends to each other to get to know each other, there will be unexpected surprises.


Overall: In this week's interpersonal relationships, be good at opening your heart, communicating with others, having nothing to eat with colleagues, and drawing down the relationship. It is better to be pragmatic in doing things and to be modest and cautious in dealing with people.

Fortune: This week's financial luck is smooth, there is an incomparably strong ability to make money, can successfully open up new marketing markets, but pay attention to the importance of financial management, to avoid in the financial resources of the rolling, due to their own negligence to make operating expenses higher than before.

Love: Zhou Taohua is more exuberant Married people should be suitable to keep a distance from the opposite sex, or it is easy to have extramarital affairs, resulting in the breakdown of marriage. It is necessary to judge the hour and size up the situation and correctly treat your own peach blossom luck.

Career: This week can be busy and stressful. It is also easy to get a little sick from being too tired, so be careful with your body. Shift your efforts, gather more with friends, and relax with colleagues.

Feng Shui Relationship

Carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, continue to learn for the saints, and open up peace for all the worlds!

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